New Year's Resolutions 2023
- buy 5 new pieces of clothing
- make a 2023 playlist with 100 songs
- read/listen to 30 books
- buy 2 posters (II)
- make a fanvideo
- go to Pride
- go swimming
- go to the cinema 5 times (IIIIIIII)
- get a piercing
- go to a ball
- do a dancing course
- do a photoshooting
- go Therme
- meet Dan Howell :D
- try one new hobby (embroidery)
- go bowling
- get 5 board games
- train to do one pull-up
- go to a trampolin park
- go ice skating
- exercise on average 2x a week for 6 out of 12 months (done: Jan, Feb, Jul, Aug)
- meditate every other day
- journal almost every day
- do an archery course
- do 5 drawings (II)
- write 10 pages (I)
- watch a series in Spanish
New Year's Resolutions 2022
- make a 2022 playlist with at least 100 songs
- go to the cinema 5 times (IIIIII)
- meet friends every week
- read/listen to 30 books
- buy/install 3 new pieces of furniture or decoration
- see James again
- go swimming
- buy a board game
- cut my hair shorter than ever
- note down all movies and TV series I have watched / am watching
- do skincare every day until my skin gets better
- buy 5 cool new items of clothing
- buy a new plant
- make a vocabulary list with at least 100 Spanish words
- do at least 5 therapy sessions
- make a fan video
- check out at least 3 new music genres and add 3 songs each to my playlist
- write at least 30 pages of stories/poems
- do at least 5 drawings/hand-letterings
- train to do one pull-up
- work out at least once a week in 10 out of 12 months
- go skateboarding or slacklining at least 10 times
- stretch and meditate every other day (at least 5 mins total)
- do a creative/fun project with friends in summer
- read a book in Spanish
- watch a video/movie/show in Spanish every week
- write a cookbook
- go on a day trip
- awareness and graditude practices
New Year's Resolutions 2021
- make a fan video (e.g. Destiel)
- make vocabulary lists with at least 300 new Spanish words
- buy 5 cool new items of clothing
- journal
- make a 2021 playlist
- discover new music on Spotify
- learn how to whistle on two fingers
- cut my hair shorter than ever
- work on my social anxiety (therapy, confrontation)
- sing once a week (alone and with friends/choir)
- meet friends every week
- continue skateboarding and slack lining in spring/summer
- finish Supernatural
- write one short story and one longer story (nanowrimo)
- do at least 6 hand-letterings
- work out at least once a week
- implement relaxation techniques in my daily life
- do archery at uni
- practice doing basic conversation in Spanish