heres where i put things i like i guess?? if you ever wanna recommend something to me, consider these!

  • Constellation and/or Card themes rock in media and not! (Just look at the fact I like Kamen Rider Fourze/Blade and Megaman Star Force) Crystals are cool too??
  • Stories abt monsters finding their humanity and stuff like that! I love outcastish or strange characters so this is 10/10!
  • Humans and Non-Humans having to pair up to fight like in things like Star Force or Soul Eater are also beautiful and wonderful and I love it.
  • A group consisting of outcast or "weird" kids, or just generally different kids, working together and learning to appreciate each other is the best thing ever please watch Kamen Rider Fourze
  • Mimicry or powercopying is the best superpower!
jul 9 2018 ∞
mar 2 2019 +