• 7:30 AM is too early to retain information.
  • no one pays attention during presentations.
  • not all required literature is worth reading.
  • eat cafeteria food with caution.
  • Spanish teachers love watching Selena.
  • lunch at 10:30 AM isn't healthy.
  • when given the option to work in a group or work alone, always work alone.
  • most people think stopping in the middle of a crowded hallway is perfectly acceptable. elbows can help solve this problem.
  • despite the lies they told us in middle school, cursive is not required and usually frowned-upon.
  • some teachers really don't like kids and their career choice will always be puzzling.
  • high school drama is insignificant the moment you graduate.
  • despite what they say, 5 minutes between classes sometimes isn't enough to get from one side of the building to the other.
  • high school librarians are miserable and probably get pleasure from yelling at kids.
  • some of the most important lessons are learned in the real world, not in a classroom.
  • most kids don't put effort into standardized testing. it's a huge waste of time.
  • the most worthwhile classes are the ones that are always threatened to be cut due to budget problems (Cooking, Independent Living, etc.).
  • a friendly, enthusiastic teacher can make all the difference.
  • a bad high school experience will motivate you to break away and strive to be successful.
  • cheating isn't the worst thing in the world.
  • the secretary in charge of opening the front doors after they're locked in the morning doesn't care if the bell is ringing and you're about to be late for class. she'll take her sweet old time buzzing you in.
  • if there was really an armed intruder, deaths would occur. a class can never stay silent for longer than two minutes.
  • fire drills are like mini-vacations.
  • if you memorize facts and dates for tests you're good to go. you can forget everything as soon as the test is over.
  • critically analyzing your favorite books can ruin them for you.
  • fights are always exciting, no matter how often they break out.
  • it doesn't matter if there's a blizzard outside. safety isn't super important. sometimes the administration just wants you to stay for the entire day and slide home in your car.
  • the principal and vice principals were on our side. the teachers weren't.
  • some substitute teachers pretend they know what they're talking about. they don't.
  • for health reasons, schools will take out soda machines but continue selling Hostess Cupcakes. this will never make sense.
  • simply changing into shorts and t-shirt will give you a passing grade in gym class.
  • study halls in the cafeteria are for socializing. school work won't get done.
  • foreign exchange students are stuck with the first group to suck them in.
  • your interest in a history class depends highly on the person teaching you.
  • your success in a language class depends highly on the person teaching you.
  • sending a parent in to fight your battles with the administration helps you tremendously.
  • crying can get you out of detention and even suspension.
  • skipping school isn't a big deal. you don't miss much.
  • public school education is a joke. it's very possible to bullshit your way to a diploma.
  • trips abroad are great for class bonding.
  • graduations should always be held indoors or under a tent. sitting in the heat for hours doesn't put graduates in a celebratory mood.
jun 23 2010 ∞
oct 5 2011 +