Everyone says they had the best group of friends in high school...but I really did. My group of friends is not something that can properly be explained. The love and bonds between us all are like steel cables, never to be broken. No matter how far apart, or how many of us change, we will never stop loving one another. I think its impossible. This is a memoir to my friends, though, most of the things shall never be written down because its really incriminating.
The Crew, in its entirety, High School 2000-2004
- Aaron, aka Boyd
- Chris
- Joel
- Jake, aka Jakezorz
- Tony
- Runde
- Mike, aka Sanders
- Jeremy
- Jack
- Reyna
- Carey, aka Brimmer
- Lindz or Lindzorz
- K
- Me, aka Meggles
- Anisha, aka Nish or Nishy
- Justine
- Lauren C
- Lauren F
- Emily
- Jill
- Lauren DF, aka Della
The Greatness of Our Lives
- ECS Hide and Seek at midnight
- Anual last day of school water fight
- Epic times at Drama Club
- Chris's basement parties
- Aaron's house parties
- Guitar playing in the lobby of school
- Outside lunch debochary
- Cone-ing
- Nish's swing INside her house
- "The Bump"
- Drunk driving at its finest
- Sweedish Fish
- Beach days
- Rocky Horror Picture Show
- Playing Risk
- The Three Libras
- Movie nights
- How there were groups within the group and that didn't phase anyone or cause jealousy
- Having something to do EVERY weekend, every night of the weekend.
- Stealing from Hot Topic
- How we all dated each other
- Setback and poker nights
- How whomever was brought into the crew had to get approval from the leaders, like a pack.
- That everyone wished they were us, particularly post high school
- Tonypalooza
- Hotel parties
- How intelligent and talented we all were/are, ranging from singers to robot techs
- Sleepovers
- Concerts together
- That feeling of "home", which never goes away
- The Vic, Bessie and Riz...the boatmobiles of awesome
- How we very rarely fought
- Thanksgiving II
- That Boyd gets pulled over more than anyone I know and he escapes tickets
- Nicknames
- Bowling nights at Berlin Bowl and Go-Karting
- Aaron's beach house