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"That thing the nature of which is totally unknown to you is usually what you need to find, and finding it is a matter of getting lost." Rebecca Solnit in A Field Guide to Getting Lost

monday 2024 (tv shows)
laoise names (feminine)
about me
hayden books (manga tbr)
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  • Vivre sa Vie , in which Nana (Anna Karina) cries when she sees La passion de Jeanne d’Arc , with one of the best close-ups of cinema (in both movies).
  • Happy Feet , when Ramon (Robin Williams voice) said I know size can be daunting, but don't be afraid. I love you. I LOVE YOU! and I like big tails and I can't deny! . Or when he was afraid to jump off a cliff and I can do this, I can do this... I can trick myself! Boy, look at that! What?
  • La Jetée , the final scene.
  • Chaplin , the opening credits (genérico)
  • Slepping Beauty , and this song
  • Mary Poppins , and "a spoonful of sugar helps the med...
  • La double vie de Veronique
  • Zorba the Greek , and the final scene
  • Breakfast at Tiffany's , Moon River
  • On the Milky Road and this image
sep 19 2014 ∞
mar 28 2018 +
  • Santiago, Itália , 2018, real. Nanni Moretti
  • Fantastic Fungi , 2019, real. Louis Schwartzberg (Netflix)
sep 5 2021 ∞
sep 5 2021 +
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Books :

  • Afonso Cruz , A boneca de Kokoschka
  • Afonso Cruz , Enciclopédia da Estória Universal - Recolha de Alexandria
  • Afonso Cruz , Para onde vão os guarda-chuvas
  • Camilo Castelo Branco , Amor de Perdição
  • F.Scott Fitzgerald , The Great Gatsby
  • Jack Kerouac , On the road
  • John Green , Paper Towns
  • José Luís Peixoto , Livro
  • José Luís Peixoto , Gaveta de Papéis
  • José Saramago , Claraboia
  • Patrick Modiano , No Café da Juventude Perdida
  • Tennessee Williams , Suddenly,Last Summer
  • Vergilio Ferreira , Aparição
  • Vladimir Nabokov , Lolita
  • Jonathan Safran Foer , Everything is Illuminated
  • Haruki Murakami , Kafka à beira-mar
  • John Steinbeck , A Leste do Paraíso
  • Rebecca Solnit , A Field Guide to Getting Lost

Theater :

feb 1 2014 ∞
dec 4 2021 +