• which fruits basket characters most resemble you?
    • result: kureno sohma (34.48% match) → saki hanajima (32.76% match) → tohru honda (25.42% match) → yuki sohma (24.14% match)
    • Kureno is quiet, altruistic and polite. He puts the happiness and well-being of others before himself, often unable to stand up for himself or take iniative. He has lived a sheltered live and is a little scatter-brained, lacking common sense and social skills. He is overflowingly kind, which is both his strength and weakness. When given the chance, he is excited to discover and learn new things, recognizing the confined world he has lived in.
    • You are considerate and compassionate, but struggle at times to identify reasons for people's actions and feelings. You make mistakes in social situations, but never hurt others because you mean to and apologise for your mistakes. You live in your own world and not many people get inside to look at the more hidden parts of you. You are responsible and want to do the best at both your work and for the well-being of the people around you, but might at times forget to take care of yourself as well.
  • which fruits basket character are you?
    • result: machi ✓ (_)
    • others may misunderstand you as rude or distant. however, you're just quiet, self-conscious, and bad at expressing yourself. therefore, you rarely speak up for yourself and feel a loss of your sense of identity. one small step at a time, you got this <3
  • what 'mystic messenger' character are you?
    • result: jaehee kang (100%) → vanderwood (93%) → jumin han (65%)
  • which mystic messenger character should you date but i also psychoanalyze you a bit
    • result: saeyoung (_)
    • you and saeyoung should date! you're attracted to humour, wit, and adventure, and dream of running away with your love. you like helping others and getting them to open up, and when people push you away you just want them more. you like saeyoung because he's hilarious and is someone you can have fun with, and he appreciates you always being there for him emotionally and for pranking yoosung.
  • which mystic messenger character are you?
    • result: ray/unknown (_)
    • a sensitive and emotional person who has struggled a lot in life. you may have issues with self worth, which could lead you to overworking yourself or overcompensating for any flaws you may think you have. you probably have a strong attachment to certain aesthetics or pretty things, using them as forms of escapism or communication. you are a very resilient person, and i hope you never forget how strong you are. a mysterious watcher type. your love language is likely words of affirmation.
  • the EXTREMELY EXTENSIVE genshin impact kin quiz - which playable character are you?
    • result: sangonomiya kokomi (_)
    • You have to deal with a lot more than you signed up for. You carry a lot of responsibility, and because of your kind heart, you refuse to share the burden. People care and worry about you, but you don't want them to, so you often try to appear strong and capable. While you are both of those things, you need to acknowledge that everyone needs rest. You are diligent and smart, but also caring and open-minded. You are self-sacrificing to the point of isolating yourself, because you don't want anyone to see you suffer. This makes for a brutal cycle, where people who care about you struggle to get close. However, those who don't know you simply see you as nice and polite, with a strong sense of self. You take pride in this image you put out for the world, but neglect your health in the process. Let people take care of you for once, and take some time for your passions, since you tend to neglect those as to not waste time.
  • what mystic messenger character are you? (long and extensive-ish)
    • result: a.e. saeran ✓ (_)
    • you have come to find peace within yourself and the world around you because someone changed you for the better. maybe a family member, a partner, or a friend. and you're intensely grateful for that. although you have a very rough and traumatizing past, you've learned to overcome it. which is really astonishing. you prefer tor keep to yourself but you are not afraid to live a little around those who are closest to you. you still don't quite know who you are, but you're making progress along the way. i'm so proud of you.
apr 22 2021 ∞
jan 9 2023 +