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"For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, 'The righteous shall live by faith'." - Romans 1:16-17

listography NEW NEWS
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  • 1: So many good things about today. Aced Chem quiz (first time ever), went on a Starbucks run (and sipped from their awesomely adorable red cups), and a handsome Darcy revealed his face (oh hey there)! P.S. The barista was super nice and gave me a grande-sized cup even though I ordered a tall-sized cup. :)
  • 2: Banned from doing anything until I finish my college apps. Seniorlyfe.
  • 7: Rocking is the new planking.
  • 9: Yeah, I finally watched Mean Girls.
  • 11: A glimmer of hope. Will it die or not die, that is the question.
  • 12: It died. But it might be a good thing? Anyway, how can I resist my bed? It's too tempting.
  • 13: I had the worst nightmare. I thought I spelled Princeton wrong on everything, and that the correct spelling is "PrincetoWn." I WAS SO SCARED AND I THOUGHT IT WAS REAL OMG
  • 16: Looks like I will be interviewed...nerve-wracking, but I can do it. Maybe. On another note, the glimmer of hope has returned!
  • 21: Two teachers complimented me on my column! So happy ;____; Also, watched Skyfall. James Bond is pretty cool. And played I Knew You Were Trouble on the piano. Including the dubstep part.
  • 22-24: Went to the Cantonese Thanksgiving Retreat and spent a lot of time around adorable kids. I will miss them. Oh, and I was actually pretty charismatic when I taught my Bible lessons, hehe :) Watched Facing the Giants and felt really inspired after, but the inspiration died haha.
  • 25: FINISHED ALL SUBMISSIONS OF SCHOOLS DUE 11/30 and 12/1! Now for the ones due in January...
  • 28: Pretty successful interview I think! It was really fun actually. PTL for a good and kind interviewer, who was a lot easier to talk to than I had imagined!

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nov 1 2012 ∞
dec 1 2012 +