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"For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, 'The righteous shall live by faith'." - Romans 1:16-17

listography NEW NEWS
  • 4: Happy Birthday 'Murica!
  • 9-11: Some of the best few days of my life. Loving my new home :) Officially Bruin-tized!
    • 11: Registered for classes for Fall Quarter 2013. Also got Bruin-tized at (not in) the Inverted Fountain.
  • 12: BOUGHT MY FIRST OFFICIALLY LICENSED COLLEGE SWEATSHIRT AND T-SHIRT. Showed my parents around at UCLA and my mom gave the school & location a 10/10.
  • 17: Placed my first order for college textbooks :)
  • 19: So apparently my school has a book bound in human skin, which apparently came from Louis XV's library, and the book is apparently "rumored to be bound in the skin of one of his ex-mistresses." #learningeveryday
  • 19: bought my first essie nail polish (naughty nautical) to celebrate my most recent accomplishment: growing out my nails!!
  • 22: Decided that I officially hate lab research and I would be devastated if I have to work as a researcher or research assistant after college. IT'S MEDICINE OR NOTHING (jk i'd be okay with being a lecturer).
  • 23: I guess I'm getting pretty good at this liquid eyeliner thing. Plus I ate my latest lunch ever: 3:12 p.m. Previous record: 3 p.m.
  • 26: Stressful ending to a stressful week, but had a spontaneous girl talk in the lab and then went out to watch Despicable Me 2 with my family! My stomach hurt from all the laughing. A+ movie :)
  • 29: Sleepover with church college girls + friend who came back from Shanghai! Good food, good company, and GOOD NAIL POLISH (Painted mine w/ China Glaze Purr-fect Plum).
  • 30: Chevy's dinner with a friend I haven't seen in three years :) Chicken Fajitas were amazing.
  • 31: Ran 2.38 miles. Proud of myself :')
jul 4 2013 ∞
aug 3 2013 +