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"For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, 'The righteous shall live by faith'." - Romans 1:16-17

listography NEW NEWS

(Going to combine two months in a single list because I completely forgot to make a list for November):


  • 28: Thanksgiving dinner at my Sunday School teacher's grandma's house. Though I was kind of disappointed that I wasn't home with my family for Thanksgiving, I had lovely traditional thanksgiving food that I wouldn't have had otherwise! Then beatboxed for the first time in public (we were playing a game called Quelf and I was basically forced to beatbox -_-), and had a ukulele jam sesh with everyone c: so fun.
  • 29: Study date with J.L.! She's such a blessing c: and we have the exact same taste in music, which is pretty darn awesome.
  • 30: Kina Grannis concert with J.H. and J.L.! So many blessings in one day. A super kind bus driver gave us a tap card for the Metro that saved J.L. when she found that she ran out of quarters, being able to transfer buses correctly and getting to the right place, a wonderful performance by Imaginary Friend and Kina, safety on the way back from Universal CityWalk, etc. OH AND UCLA OFFICIALLY RUNS LA, say whatttt? What's that? U$C? haven't heard of that place (jk sorry i'll stop now haha, I'm a good sport! I still have respect for U$C so yeeep)


  • 1: More blessings~ My small group leader had saved a spot for me in the Life Science 2 lecture and discussion I wanted, and I was successfully able to pick up the spot after she dropped it yesterday :) Thank you, Lord!
  • 6: Small group leaders gave us such a sweet care package ;_; so happy
  • 10: Day trip to Santa Monica. #retailtherapy
  • 11: Back home! Nice upperclassman from aacf drove me home :) good conversations and good music!
  • 19: Yummy korean medium-spicy tofu soup and then christmas in the park with three wonderful ladies. :) It was good to see them again!
  • 20: Dinner with my fellowship friend at Chipotle lolol. I successfully drove us there (in the dark) without any near-accidents. PTL for his protection heh
  • 21: HOBBIT 2 WITH THE FAMBAM WOW IT WAS GREAT but way to end it at the worst-part-to-end-it-ever... -__- pls
dec 2 2013 ∞
jan 1 2014 +