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"For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, 'The righteous shall live by faith'." - Romans 1:16-17

listography NEW NEWS

Source: [Forbes]

  • Time is Not a Limitless Commodity: We do not "have all the time in the world to A) figure it out and B) get what we want."
  • You're Talented, but Talent is Overrated: "There's no prize for talent, just results."
  • We're More Productive in the Morning.
  • Social Media is Not a Career: "Social media is simply a function of marketing"
  • Pick Up the Phone: "It should be your first instinct, not last, to talk to a real person and source business opportunities."
  • Be the First In & Last to Leave: "You have more ground to make up than everyone else around you, and you do have something to prove."
  • Don't Wait to Be Told What To Do: "You'll never get ahead by waiting for someone to tell you what to do."
  • Take Responsibility for Your Mistakes: "Stop trying to justify your F-ups. You're only going to grow by embracing the lessons learned from your mistakes, and committing to learn from those experiences."
  • You Should Be Getting Your Butt Kicked: "Meryl Streep in The Devil Wears Prada would be the most valuable boss you could possibly have."
  • A New Job a Year Isn't a Good Thing
  • People Matter More than Perks: "the folks you're going to work for and your commitment to them will pay off much more than those fluffy perks."
  • Map Effort to Your Professional Gain: "You're going to be asked to do things you don't like to do. Keep your eye on the prize."
  • Speak Up, Not Out: "If you can effectively communicate what needs to be improved, you have the ability to shape your surroundings and professional destiny"
  • You HAVE to Build Your Technical Chops: "[The writer] immediately give(s) preference to candidates who are ninjas in: Photoshop, HTML/CSS, iOS, WordPress, Adwords, MySQL, Balsamiq, Advanced Excel, Final Cut Pro -- regardless of their job position."
  • Both the Size and Quality of Your Network Matter: "It's who you know more than what you know, that gets you ahead in business."
  • You Need At Least 3 Professional Mentors: "The most guaranteed path to success is to emulate those who've achieved what you seek."
  • Pick an Idol and Act "As If": "If you were (_fill in the blank_) how would he or she carry themselves, make decisions, organize his/her day, accomplish goals?"
  • Read More Books, Fewer Tweets/Texts: "All the keys to your future success, lay in the past experience of others. Make sure to read a book a month (fiction or non-fiction) and your career will blossom."
  • Spend 25% Less Than You Make: "No matter how much you make, spend 25% less to support your life. It's a guaranteed formula to be less stressed and to always have the flexibility to pursue your dreams"
  • Your Reputation is Priceless, Don't Damage It: "It's the invisible key that either opens or closes doors of professional opportunity."
jul 27 2013 ∞
aug 1 2013 +