• i had philosophy class today and a bunch of my friends are in it so its fun
  • "if god showed up in your room in the night and told you to believe in him, would you since you can see him?"
        • "no, i punch him in the face because you shouldn't trust strangers who show up in your room at 3am"
        • i managed to resist saying "he's probably a pedophile anyways"
                • did i just call god a pedophile
                • oops
                • if a stranger shows up in your room in the night, they probably are though
  • I walked into the math room to give my math teacher something and I walked in on him grading papers while listening to heavy metal really loudly. He also has a bunch of nice guitars and amps laying around in his room
  • i never knew i needed joey ramone holding a cat in my life
feb 9 2018 ∞
feb 10 2018 +