• im grounded for another week because last night my mother thought i was asleep and she walked into the kitchen and saw me carving a guitar out of an eraser
  • a couple of months ago my best friend and i edited the script of the bee movie where a bunch of words are replaced and stuff and its basically a giant fucked up frerard fanfic. we shared it with a couple of people and now when we went on it was shared with over forty people. also, at my school a bunch of guys created this big thing called 'the business' which is well, a business and apparently it's linked to their official google document.
  • i have an english project to turn in tomorrow, and im having a debate on wether i should change or keep my quote. it's "join of community or satan will, in the politest way possible, invite you to hell"
  • i got new glasses today and halfway through the process of getting them fitted, i heard fall out boy playing in the distance so i got up and walked outside. the guy doing the glasses thing started to play fall out boy on his phone after that. he also told me not to date philosophy professors and that i was a morbid human being
  • i had a math test today but somebody brought in pie because its pi day and i was honestly more focused on the pie than the test and im pretty sure i failed that test. when i get the test back i'll blame it on that
  • i discovered some old, unused boots and i pressed into the soles and it was soft and melted so my dad and i just ended up shoving our fingers into the soles of boots
mar 14 2018 ∞
apr 4 2018 +