im gibi or ero or parker i dont know uh anyways

that is the most generic about me ive ever seen in my entire life oh my lordy lord. all of my bios go like that something like "gibi/ero blah blah osc/prsk enthusiast" THAT IS IT! I HAVE NEVER GONE IN DEPTH! so i guess i will do that now. idk. i will go kinda off topic in some of these (especially in parentheses) so Like yeah but i just act like that so idk..

by osc i currently specifically mean just bfdi.. for the past few months (from maybe about march) i have been consuming beefy die media and i actually cannot stop thinking about it. Red Item? It's A Pin BFDI Reference!!!!! Omg! It's also a Roboty Reference!!!!! WOWZIE!!!! every day i wake up and i see my bfdi x ii 2023 poster above my head. i also see my painting of lollipop that i hung by a nail(y) that keeps falling off. there is also my unfinished bfb 30 flower painting on my dresser which is also accompanied by an unfinished image of cake and a blue canvas which was supposed to be golfball or pie or something idk. and for some reason, hidden beneath my toy piano, is my super crazy (not) tengolf drawing that i went insane over and took to school with me (i also took lollipop with me but whatever). OK ANYWAYS as i was saying currently i greatly enjoy coinpineedle, tengolf, bfdia 5c, tpot 5, pin, and bubble. that is not in a specific order.

moving onto prsk i go insane over honami, honami events, honami songs, honami everything. i love honami so much she's literally just like me oh my freak like actually genuinely i think that it's actually insane that i happened to come across project sekai after the literal middle school trauma i held (JUST LIKE HONAMI!) i actually resonate (idk what that word means) (also resonating with you reference) (btw i do know what it means but i forgot) with her so much its insane like actually. currently my favorite songs, since obviously from a heavy music (thats not the right term) influenced?? thing game whatever theres gonna be music, are (IN ORDER OF RELEASE DATE), stella, mirai, nomad, starry sky melody, machi, kimi no yoruwo kure, utsuro wo aogu(!!!), what sort of ending are you wishing for?, and flyway. That Is A Big List! me from 3 years ago would be appaled that i enjoyed music so much (i used to not like music cuz personal stuff that is actually very confusing which i still dont understand)

i think im gonna make a seperate list thing where i actually put my favorite lyric from each of those above songs and explain why i like the songs and whatever SONG ANALYSIS!

so now i guess Is the Kins Section? I DONT KNOW! uh i just relate to these chars a lot they mean so much to me...... like golf ball, leafy, pen, pin, honami, toya.. like theres a lot more but holy moly guacamole theyre actually so me its crazy. if u see golf ball bfdi think of me /nsrs

i was gonna get into like Me Stuff but im just now realizing that i think im not just writing this for other people but for myself too like. i dont know that much about myself so i guess this is the opportunity to Know How To Express Myself Yeah!

ok now ACTUAL me stuff.. first goes hobbies and 'occupations' (its not actually occupations i just dont know what to call it) err im an artist, writer, drummer, editor, lyric translator (does that count? i just do it so i can sing it), singer (NOT RELALY BUT WHATEVER), uh now the rest of these are more like extremely specific stuff that technically aren;t even official hobbies if official hobbies exist but Yeah.. rarepair collector (skull emoji), character screenshot collector (omg im cloudy), i like organizing things in folders, i like opening a bunch of tabs (mostly on bfdi chars/prsk songs) and just having them open for later, i like to keep all photos i take. i can't get rid of any photo of characters i have i NEED all my tpot 4 screenshots (heartbroken emoji), and i think that's just general things about me now HELP. well time to get to that


  • i am hispanic.. its really obvious cuz i headcanon like every other beefy die character to be hispanic even if i dont actually think they are i still think its funny..
  • erm my hearing is terrible and my eyesight is terrible. i have hearing amplifiers but i dont wear them and i also have glasses which i dont wear when im on the puter..
  • im pin bfdi's #1 defender. always. most people started to dislike her after tpot 2 but that just made her go up on my list cuz shes just like me!!! .. uh i dont think thats a good thing but i am not bothered LOL
  • i laugh like ernie sesame street LMAOAO it all started with that dumb rubber duck i had which caused me to start kinning him like back in 2021 and then i copied his laugh and now i cant stop it
  • currently the proud owner of pen bfdi and coiny bfdi and lightbulb ii and paintbrush ii plushes. i also have a giant tennis ball and a tiny basketball (omg they switched sizes) and a rock(y) and a tiny puffball along with a fries puffy sticker thing i dont know what it is
  • there is a giant box of art supplies on my bookshelf that i use every 2763 years Yeah. it is mostly used on my only-drawn-on-the-right-side sketchbook or my Arty Warty book from like this year or something idk
  • next to the lollipop painting i mentioned earlier is a fake christmas tree made of paper and hanging by a twist tie
  • i greatly enjoy sawpen the beefy die ship Like Actually. not just cuz of those damn shorts i actually shipped it before watching them and created #sawpensweep Super Cool. i am actually acquaintanced with the creator of sawpen so thats nice (i went insane when i found out)

GRACIAS POR LEER (THANKS FOR READING) i will now be imploding. its time to become insane

-gibilations #SAWPENSWEEP 7.28.23 ITS 11 pm omg

jul 29 2023 ∞
aug 16 2023 +