Hey guys its been a while..... el oh el anyway im back to start again with my fav prsk lyrics after like 8 months i think waos. some of the songs are the same but the lyric changed so yeah

  • “It hurts, I’m scared to sing. But even so, with you I still want to create this commonplace song, a song that transcends all walls.” The WALL
  • “With the momentum to make an earthbound bird take flight.” / “It’s alright if nobody recognizes me, let me call the scars I’ve amassed a dream” Flyway
  • “Because I would like to deliver” Aioi
  • “I marked it in that meteor” Regulus
  • “There’s nothing I’m scared of, I’ll never be afraid” I Am, We Are
  • “ ‘Are you crying? Are you angry?’ A young voice asks. ‘Don't worry. I'm smiling,’ I'll put my reply in a song and send it your way!” Momoiro no Kagi
  • "Is even your identity a trick?" / “Do you want love, even if you have to steal it?" Moonlight
  • “ I can hear the sound of my friends calling me, and when we join together, that's when we start to move” Machi
  • “The present I see is everything to me, so I don't want to cling onto ideals of the past or the future. Beat, beat, o heart of mine! It might be unsteady, but even so, this is my pulse.” Kashika
  • “We won’t let this end as a mere ideal!” Realize
  • “I’ll always be by your side” Hoshizora Orchestra
  • “This is our wish we have fufilled, the world never would’ve had a start without it here” Hakoniwa no Coral
  • “I have lived my entire life being in the wrong— Now, with the collar taken off my neck, just where am I supposed to go?” Engeki
feb 20 2024 ∞
feb 21 2024 +