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  • i shitpost/spam A LOT
  • i sometimes tweet nsfw jokes, but don't take them seriously, as I don’t mean it
  • i'd appreciate if you could tag pictures of bees/wasps
  • since I am 21 I'd rather not follow back people who are under 16 anymore (this obviously doesn't apply to my current mutuals/friends)
  • i'm not a native speaker so i might make some mistakes sometimes
  • i don't like negativity (eg: chara hate, fandom discourse) so i might not follow if you post a lot of this
  • i don't block people for fun or for "no reason". If I blocked you it's most likely because: you're an art reposter, said something offensive, posted things that makes me uncomfortable (irl nsfw, disturbing pictures, bugs) or spoilers (I blocked some people back then when i was v3 spoiler free)
jul 14 2017 ∞
apr 17 2018 +