• 120 units (or credits

University of California Requirements Entry Level Writing Requirement American History American Institutions Berkeley Campus Requirement American Cultures L&S Requirements Essential Skills Reading and Composition Quantitative Reasoning Foreign Language Seven-Course Breadth Requirement Major Requirements Unit Requirements to fulfill the RC requirement take: Film and Media! Unit Requirements

120 total semester units (includes transfer work, FPF work, and/or exam score credit admitted to your Berkeley record).60 units (of the 120) must come from courses in the College of Letters and Science (or Letters and Science equivalent courses taken elsewhere). Most students fulfill this requirement automatically.36 units (of the 120) must be upper division courses from Berkeley or another 4-year college.18 (of the 36 upper-division units) must be completed at Berkeley.6 (of the 36 upper division units) must be taken in courses offered outside your major department. (Students who double major automatically satisfy this requirement. Students who pursue an interdisciplinary major typically satisfy this requirement automatically.)

Residence Requirements

Most students fulfill all residence requirements in the course of earning a degree at Berkeley. If you plan to study abroad or off campus for a semester or more, or if you intend to take courses at any other institution during your senior year, you will want to meet with a College Adviser to make sure you will meet all residence requirements:

Upper Division Residence in the College, Residence in the Major, and Senior Residence. (As a senior, once you have completed 90 units, you must complete at least 24 units in at least two semesters.) Unit Ceiling: Double Majors

Students who double major are allocated nine semesters, plus unlimited summer sessions, regardless of units. They may enroll beyond their ninth semester, as long as they do not exceed 136 units. (After their ninth semester, the semester in which they exceed 136 units is their last.) Units From Outside Berkeley: How They Fit In

No more than 70 community college units will be counted towards your degree. Units earned before graduation from high school (including those at community college) are not counted towards the unit ceiling (they are counted towards the 120 you need to graduate).

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