plant personality: +

chamomile: easy-going, friendly and well liked, you've got a gentle and sweet nature and a calming presence that puts others at ease. your sensitivity to others may cause you to take on too much of other people's feelings, though, and you may even be prone to worry.

fennel: you're quiet, sometimes shy, with a tendency to be reserved. you have a humble, kind nature and often find yourself taking care of others. you can be known to hold things in, and you don't always speak up for yourself. this tendency to hold things in can lead to disturbances.

passionflower: deeply concerned about others and the world around you, you have a developed sense of what's right and just. you're a bit of an idealist and strive to see your vision of perfection realized in the world.

may 9 2019 ∞
may 9 2019 +