- fancy camera
- job at uihc
- pittsburgh, pa
- nyc
- cats the musical
- maxwell built a pc
- turned 23
- maxwell graduated college
- makayla graduated hs
- spring, tx
- tattoo with makayla
- maxwell started full time job
- minneapolis, mn
- des moines, ia
- paying off student loans
- cute blue car
- reunited with sierra
- momma visited
- jim gaffigan
- moving to nl
- nickelback
- 100,000 miles in the corolla
- adopted mocha
- winery with sierra and chris
- maxwell’s 24th birthday
- fall out boy concert
- realized how strong i was
- started watching the office again
- pittsburgh for thanksgiving with cat
- met up with parents in chicago
- surprised with a christmas tree when i got home!
- denver for christmas
- strange and quiet new years lol
jun 25 2017 ∞
oct 21 2018 +