- The Hotel New Hampshire - John Irving 401pgs
- The Red Queen - Margaret Drabble 325pgs
- Breakfast at Tiffany's - Truman Capote 178pgs
- The 39 Steps - John Buchan 149pgs
- Night Film - Marisha Pessl 594pgs
- Glow - Ned Beauman 258pgs
- The Eyre Affair - Jasper Fforde 374pgs
- Dragonfly in Amber - 743pgs
- Number 9 Dream - David Mitchell 536pgs
- The Buried Giant - Ishiguro 317pgs
- Gone Girl-- Gillian Flynn 555pgs
- The Cuckoo's Calling - Robert Galbraith 455pgs
- The Silkworm - Robert Galbraith 455pgs
- Far from the Madding Crowd - Thomas Hardy 443pgs
- Redshirts - John Scalzi 320pgs
- Lost in a Good Book - Jasper Fforde 399pgs
- Slade House - David Mitchell 238pgs
- The Valley of the Dolls- Jacqueline Susann 448pgs
Books Total: 18
Pages Total: 7,188
Average Pages per book: 399
Number of Rereads: 0
Number of Classics: 4
Number of New Releases: 5
Top Five Favorite Books:
- Number 9 Dream - David Mitchell
- The Valley of the Dolls- Jacqueline Susann
- The Cuckoo's Calling - Robert Galbraith
- Night Film - Marisha Pessl
- The Red Queen - Margaret Drabble
Probably one of my worst years ever. While I was off to a good start at the beginning of the year, some changes in my personal life led to some changes in my reading habits. I spent the last half of the year not reading nearly enough, something that is very much evident in the final numbers.