
  • likes blue cheese
  • likes eggplant parmesan
  • likes mint chocolate ice cream
  • likes unweetened yogurt with honey and nuts
  • no shrimp
  • no salmon (generally just no seafood)


  • eats sweet and salty together
  • drink pickle juice before eating salty stuff
  • don't eat a lot of meat
  • don't like sweet food during meals


  • used to be scared of heights but went out of his way to conquer that fear
  • its hard to tell when its ok to start a fight. he freezes up because he doesnt want to hurt people but then maybe regrets it after
  • compares himself to his siblings
  • really insecure about his chest thing
  • afraid of messing up his life
  • afraid to fall in love again
  • fear a life without adventure
  • wants to be a gentleman and a honorable man
  • fear of pushing me away

Random facts

  • he forgets to breath when he is drugged for surgery
  • allergic to grass pollen
jan 6 2015 ∞
mar 2 2015 +