• We were embarking on a mission of moon colonization- but something went wrong on the space ship, so we had to evacuate by parachute. At the end of every parachute was a coffin that we climbed into by two's. I was paired with my high school boyfriend, and as we fell we speculated as to what the outside of our coffin looked like. I said that I had always wanted a blue wooden one, while he wanted a metal one. We landed safely and filed into what looked like a hurricane evacuation shelter. I found my mom and my little brother sitting in the cafeteria, and they hugged me and handed me an apple.
  • I had a dream that we were at a big outdoor campground, with some cabins like at a summer camp, and I was going to ask a boy in my writing class if he'd like to spend some time with me. But I heard that he thought I was stalking him, so I confronted him about it in his room - which looked like communal barracks- and said something to the effect of 'I have a crush on you, but frankly you're not interesting enough to stalk.' I wore a green plaid shirt and rode away on a bicycle down a mossy forest path. I came out the other side of the trail, and walked into the back room of the old house which used to be my bedroom, and found a group of my friends piled up on my twin bed. It was my room, but we were in another state, like the suburbs of Maryland or somewhere in New England. We debated about getting a hotel room so we could celebrate privately with champagne, but decided against it. For a while, it was just me and Taryn hanging out in bed. Then it was all of my Charleston friends again, and one mysterious boy who was Shannon's boyfriend. He was small but extremely toned and bronze, and was lying naked on his stomach on the bed. I made him look away while I changed into various grey ruffly skirts.
nov 14 2012 ∞
nov 14 2012 +