• To be sensual is to respect and rejoice in the force of life, of life itself, and to be present in all that one does, from the effort of loving others to the breaking of bread. It will be a great day for America, incidentally, when we begin to eat bread again, instead of the blasphemous and tasteless foam rubber that we have substituted for it. And I am not being frivolous now, either. Something very sinister happens to the people of a country when they begin to distrust their own reactions as deeply as they do here, and become as joyless as they have become. - James Baldwin
  • "Bread" by W. S. Merwin: Each face in the street is a slice of bread / wandering on/ searching
  • “My love costs me dearly, but I’ve baked and set it on the sill for you to consume. We are match and stick. Eaten up quickly and ever full.” ~ Alex Gohde
  • “If, of thy mortal goods, thou art bereft, And from thy slender store two loaves/ alone to thee are left,/ Sell one & from the dole,/ Buy Hyacinths to feed the soul” - Muslihuddin Sadi, (13th Century Persian Poet)
  • Bread is, in many cultures, the fundamental food, the symbol of all food. And food is communion. Think of it this way: The food we eat is the most tangible exchange we make with our environment. Our food is what most immediately connects us with the reality we inhabit. When you take in food, you temporarily negate the illusion of separation between your body and the rest of existence. Food is a breach of the boundary where we normally perceive separation to begin.
  • Bread - Linda Vistal: "It seems to be the five stages of yeast, not grief, you like to write about,” my son says, meaning that bread is always rising and falling, being broken and eaten, in my poems."
feb 12 2013 ∞
feb 25 2013 +