- Honey, you have not been in a healthy relationship. Love is not sex and hate. That's lust. Lust is dirty nights and fighting and making out and dramatics and infatuation. Lust is rough and fascinating and dangerous and exciting. But love? Love is trust and safety and comfort. Love is closeness, and personal growth, and kisses. Love is cuddles. Love is communication and understanding. Love is acceptance. When you have sex & you're in love it's not about that mania, it's just enjoying making each other feel good.
- I'm a 20 year old guy and I have yet to have sex due to the fact I'm reserving it for a serious relationship, of which I have not yet experienced. I've been given the opportunity to have sex several times but have not taken it, as I did not have emotional attachment to the girl even if I would have enjoyed it physically. I'm not ashamed of my virginity; anyone who would think less of me because of it isn't worth my presence. Now, before you are judgmental about an entire gender, look around you and realize there is more to the male gender than the ignorant, misogynistic jerks that you've allowed to dominate your perspective.
- Patience + Understanding + Trust + Loyalty + Kindness = Love
- It's free in canada and we most certainly do not have a higher pregnancy rate or more STIs. It is not for the "welfare people" it's for responsible women that know what is best for them. Its not a matter of affording it, it also encourages teenagers who WILL be sexually active to use protection and do what is best for themselves. Get real, Trish. This can only help the country, not harm it.
- "The Homosexual Agenda"...why do morons always use that ridiculous phrase? I bet these people must be the same morons that worried about a "Black Agenda" or a "Female Agenda" in the 50's, 60's, and 70's. Gays don't have some secret plan. They just want the same rights as everyone else. Find another way to educate yourself, aside from listening to the rants of a predjudiced, backwoods, country preacher that uses the Bible and the blind faith of the gullible to further his own agenda of hate.
- One of the most common statements from the "Religious Right" is that they want this country to "return to the Christian principles on which it was founded". American history will show that this statement is a lie. The men responsible for building the foundation of the United States had little use for Christianity, and many were strongly opposed to it. They were men of The Enlightenment, not men of Christianity. They were Deists who did not believe the bible was true.
- It's ridiculous that this country started off as a way for people to escape religious prosecution and discrimination and have freedom from it, yet all the religious nuts somehow made it over here to make people's lives miserable once again.
- I fear for the future of America should the brainwashing of its people continue. So much evidence exists which clearly makes what is written in scripture false, yet we still see such bigotry for those who choose not to follow such primitive ideology. Dr. Ken Miller with his work has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt our evolution through time. Yet when challenged with this they refute "that's how God made it", no critical thought or reason just blind faith. Religion is dangerous.
- Using words like "kiddo" makes the speaker sound like a condescending ass. Using memes demonstrates a lack of creativity, and memes just aren't a very sophisticated form of humor at all.
- I'm here to say one and only ONE thing. Size knows no boundaries. You could be a size zero or a size 22. You're still a real woman regardless.
- I remember when I was in the 8th grade(2008). Everyone was obsessing over the series, so I read the book and absolutely loved it. Even bought the whole series in hardback! But four years later when I became a senior, I reread the series and I couldn't understand what I saw in it. Jacob, I thought, was such an asshole how he forced his feelings on Bella when she didn't want them. This resulted in a forced kiss, which Bella quickly forgave him for (especially in the movie). And not to mention Edward and Bella's relationship. When Edward leaves/breaks up with Bella, she acts as if she had died inside and that there was no meaning to life. I translated that as wanting girls in relationships to believe that their girlfriend/boyfriend is the center of the universe and should be treated as such and without him you would have nothing, be nothing. Which is completely untrue.
- "I emerged from a momentary reverie to hear her explaining about bullies, how they lash out because they're scared," While most people consider this to be true, research into bullying has shown that things are actually more complicated than that. Bullies often have average or above average self esteem. They do what they do, because they know they have the power to get away with it. They also tend to lack empathy. This combination leads to people who are confident that what they think/feel is right, and have a difficult time seeing/feeling where others are coming from. Anything they don't like it bad, and therefore they have the right to say/do whatever they want. That isn't to say that there aren't bullies out there who act from a place of fear, but they are nowhere near as many as "common knowledge" would have people believe.
- Yes, OP has rather missed the point. Sparkly vampires are inherently silly, sure, but that’s not the problem. I like a lot of silly things myself! You want to read about a sparkly vampire love story, I won’t stop you. My problem with Twilight, and why I (and a whole lot of other people) ‘hate on it’ is the sexism, racism, glorification of abusive relationships, thinly veiled religious propaganda, highly questionable morality on the part of the protagonists, constant undermining of women’s rights, worrying subtext on vital and complex issues such as rape and abortion, and the fact that all this shit is aimed at pre-teen girls. The fact that there might be young people growing up today who think that removing your girlfriend’s car engine so that she can’t visit her friend is a romantic gesture, scares me. The fact that a guy falls in love with a baby and then grooms her throughout infancy to love him, even giving her a ‘promise ring’ when she is still a child and this is seen as a healthy relationship, scares me. The fact that at one point two of the male ‘heroes’ have a conversation about forcibly knocking a girl out with drugs and aborting her baby without her consent, scares me. The fact that this series of books is so popular really fucking scares me. As someone who has read all of them, I have nothing but anger and contempt for the series. So no, I won’t ‘judge you for what you like’. I will however, continue judging the shit out of these books, and I will not stop openly speaking out about how terrible and damaging they are.
- If churches do not want to preform marriages for gay people, that is fine, I absolutely support their right to refuse to do so. I would not contribute financially to that church in anyway (not that I would anyway), and I might even talk about how I thought they were mean for doing so, but I fully support their right to do so, and to tell the world that they are doing so. But they have NO right to tell me that the laws of our government should conform to their beliefs. Churches are given tax exempt status for a reason, they are supposed to stay OUT of our government and its laws!
- Religion is like a penis. It's fine to have one. It's fine to be proud of it. But please don't whip it out in public and start waving it around. And PLEASE don't try to shove it down my children's throats.
- The only reason why anyone is offended is because boobs have become sex objects. They are meant for feeding a child. The more people nip the more normal it will become. And I don't believe a child should have to eat with a blanket over there head if they don't want to. Breastfeeding is beautiful and natural.
- Really not trying to be ugly here, but for all of you that say you don't want your kids to see somebody whip a boob out, what do you tell your children boobs are for? My friend started breastfeeding her baby while my daughters and I had lunch with her. My daughter asked what she was doing. I replied, she's feeding the baby. That's how I fed you too. End of story, no more questions necessary. I don't really care if you cover up or not, either way my child doesn't have the notion yet that breasts are something shameful.
- I'm seriously disgusted by how rude and judgemental some of you mothers are! Do you feed your baby a bottle in public or go sit in an unsanitary bathroom stall? Why should breastfeeding mothers be judged so harshly if they are unable to cover their baby? Do you let you child see nursing mammals in books, on tv, at the zoo? Please, please tell me the difference? Oh, wait! Its that society has made breasts into something to be ashamed of if they are just right, something that is sexualized and has lost the true purpose of a mothers breast!
- My little girl hates having a blanket/cover over her head while she eats, and I'm not going to make her eat uncomfortably to make somebody else more comfortable about it. If you talk about your children seeing another woman feeding her baby and you make a big ass deal about it then doesn't that teach them that its a shameful act when it's not! If my baby is hungry I'm going to feed her! All of you women bitching about how it's rude to not cover up, honestly how much is really shown!? If your looking that hard for areola then bitch about seeing it that's your problem.
- I normally don't get involved in debates, but I don't understand why breastfeeding is even a debate. Breasts were originally intended to provide nourishment to our children. Society has hypersexualized everything, so even something as simple as breastfeeding is seen as wrong in certain situations. People keep talking about how they don't wanna see someone's breasts, well then don't look. You making it a big deal creates all the stir, where there is no reason to be. I breastfed all 3 of my children in public, and didn't cover up. I NEVER had anyone even notice my breastfeeding. A crying hungry baby doesn't wait for nobody! My older children saw me breastfeeding the younger ones, and they've seem women breastfeeding in public, and they don't even look twice. It's a SHAME that people can make a big deal about a women providing the best nurishment a baby can receive. I think society needs to reevaluate what is important!!
- But I love and believe in God, and I'm gay… And I've actually studied and read the Biblical Texts… the only mention of man lying with a man was in Leviticus, under the purity laws that God gave the Israelites in order to separate them from the Gentile religion that worshiped the God of Fertility. It wasn't about loving committed relationships, it was about the how the Gentiles worshiped Molech and offered sacrifices by having sex with male prostitutes. That was the act that was condemned. Nonetheless, when Jesus walked the earth, he repealed the laws of the Old Covenant (including the purity code) and confirmed that He was the way, the truth, and the life. One must follow his path to be saved. He died for each and every person, including homosexuals, prostitutes and yes, even those tax collectors. He never actually mentioned homosexuality, and actually healed a young man who was partners with other male. Maybe if these people actually read and studied the Bible, the would have a better understanding that their religious arguments are invalid. God Loves all, and Love is Love. No matter what a person's sexual orientation is.
- If a man is walking down the street in a $10000 suit wearing a Rolex watch and someone jumps him and robs him, no one ever says it was not robbery because he "wanted it." They never say it was HIS fault for dressing in a way to indicate he had wealth worth taking. If he is counting hundred dollar bills while walking down the street and gets mugged they don't say it was not a crime because his actions led the attacker on. Nor do they dredge up things like, he likes to play poker therefore he has a history of willingly losing money. If someone steals a car they don't declare it's not stolen because the owner did not defend himself and fight back hard enough. I've yet to hear about a victim of any type of robbery having his tastes in humor or art or music used as "proof" that he was not really a victim. And let's face it. Let's say you fought back harder and he killed you. I guess then you'd have a real complaint? Or let's say you reached out, grabbed the lamp, struck him in the head and he died. Was it rape now? No, then you would be accused of at least manslaughter if not murder. Thank you so much for sharing this. These stories need to be shared and people need to know how things work before it's too late.
- I will say it again. You get what you give. You're assuming that he treats her with respect and she doesn't return the favor. This is a grown man taking retribution on his 13 yr old daughter. Maybe I'm wrong though. Perhaps you just think that the "I provide food and shelter, you provide respect and obedience" model is a reasonable transaction. I disagree. First of all, this kid was born against her will. In other words, he CHOSE to have her. It's his responsibility to care for her until she is fit to do so herself. I love my old man and I treated him with respect when I was a kid but it was because he earned my respect. By treating me like an equal. He was still first and foremost my parent but he didn't treat me like he owned me. Sure, there was plenty of tough love growing up but he was never a dictator. I find it insane that the majority of parents feel their kids are in debt to them. "You will follow my orders because I provide you food to eat and a place to live". You can't use THAT as leverage. Eat where you shit man, it was your choice to have a child. Now grow a brain and understand that you have to provide for said child. You aren't entitled to their respect. I use the word tyrannical because that's what this is. Show me loyalty or I will take everything you have. Bottom line here, I turned out fine and so shall my kids. I understand as well as my father did, that respect is earned. And there are no exceptions to that rule. Understand and appreciate what your parents do to maintain the lifestyle you enjoy but reserve your respect for those who deserve it.
- This makes me think about the line between free speech and consequence-free speech. People who throw around words like "retard" or "faggot" or "pussy" with total insensitivity to the groups that those words originally marginalized will often hide behind their second amendment rights to say such things. However, it is not a violation of their free speech when other people call them out for being ableist, homophobic or sexist, to whatever degree. That, to me, is what "being PC" (or as I usually call it, treating people with respect) seeks to minimize: directly hateful language. Jokes? Art? Media? Not so much. Unless, of course, that media is spreading a message of hate.
- This is where people misunderstand the meaning of opinion. Yes, you can have your opinion but your opinion can be wrong. It is correct that the statement is your opinion but that statement can be factually wrong. You can say in my opinion most people don't literally fly because they are lazy. That can be your opinion but it is totally wrong. First, there is no evidence that most people are lazy. Second, gravity and the structure of the human body make it impossible for us to fly without some other apparatus even if we wanted to. So your friend's shitty opinion can be called out becasue it's simply factually wrong.
- I think a lot of people confuse social consequences with censorship, and it really muddies the whole argument for what we consider free speech.
apr 15 2012 ∞
dec 27 2015 +