• rt heavy & fub free. sometimes suggestive rts, 16+ follows only.
  • i use the mute/block features very liberally to curate my feed. if you're blocked, it's likely nothing personal!
  • i have my twitter notifs off so i likely won't see any replies/etc. i'm also a chronic tweet deleter #sorry
  • not spoiler free. i don't care to tag spoilers most times and will likely post content containing spoilers unsolicited so please tread carefully. as stated above, my account is a fub free zone so feel free to mute/block me anytime if this bothers you.
  • i don't care for discourse (especially proship discourse) and will block if you engage in it often, regardless of side.
  • i believe that fiction affects reality, but not in a 1:1 ratio. i'm ok with certain dark themes in fiction but there are hard lines that i draw & i will block/curate my space accordingly.
jan 20 2025 ∞
mar 23 2025 +