• Justices in the High Court totally never defend themselves against criticism, ever
  • Justices in the High Court never explain themselves in press conferences
  • Justices in the High Court have the Governor-General account publicly for all their decisions
  • Justices in the high court bow down to no Privy Court in England ~since 1986-
  • Justices in the High Court are totally aloof and secretly ride motorcycles across the Nullabor at night
  • Justices in the High Court wear Prada to all their hearings under their garbs
  • Justices in the High Court are totally rocking the vintage wigs like nothing else
  • The only female Justice in the High Court was appointed by the Hawke Government, making her totally badass and groundbreaking and badass
  • Justices in the High Court are the most experienced, talented and knowledgeable judges in the land, and yet they don't give a shit about it
  • Back when the executive power (the government) attempted to ban the Australian Communist Party, Justices in the High Court totally did not give one fuck and deemed the use of authority unconstitutional and went High Court on the executive power's asses, totally whipping out their judicial power
  • Justices in the High Court set all the trends. Their precedents are like, totally hot, and everyone MUST follow them - State and District, Federal Gov't and State Gov't alike
  • Justices in the High Court totally are above the Separation of Power as they are both judiciary and legislature, as well as being appointed by the Governor-General who is the epitome of legislative power. They are akin to Gods of Power in a country where a democratic Separation of Power ... rules supreme
  • Justice French is the original hipster and has a total blood-brother connection with French band Justice
  • Why on earth did I write this list
mar 8 2011 ∞
mar 21 2011 +