• I have a scar on my left foot where there were six stitches. I got said stitches on the date of my First Communion. That morning, I was at a hotel for a friend's birthday party the night before. We were swimming, and I had left the pool area. I opened the door to go back into the pool area, and the door scraped across my foot. Mom was on the way to pick me up anyway, but then we had to go to the emergency room...
  • When my brother David was born, I was 12. I happened to be holding him and walking with him at the same time, and accidentally hit his head on the door frame. I have felt guilty and horrible for the incident for years, but he's a little genius at the age of ten, so I don't think it actually damaged anything in his noggin...but still, I feel bad.
  • When I was younger, I used to have a fear about passing windows at night, mainly because I saw the previews for the Scream movies and it really freaked me out. I'm older now, but every so often, I duck under windows when it's dark outside.
  • My dad introduced me to Jurassic Park shortly after its release. Even though dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years, I was terrified as hell of them for the longest time.
  • I learned about sexuality from watching music videos on VH1 after school - mainly Madonna videos. I love "Express Yourself."
  • I love dresses and high heels, though I rarely get to wear them.
  • I had a bad experience when I was in third grade and contracted lice from two of my babysitter's other charges. My mom hacked most of my hair off, and it was uneven. My third grade school picture is probably my least favorite. To this day, every time I think about cutting my hair short, I think of that haircut (and a few other times when I went short), and convince myself that it will just not look good.
  • My shoe size is a women's 9 1/2 wide. It's difficult to find good shoes.
  • I love collecting books, if that wasn't already evident. My mom has been telling me I should put some away in boxes until I get my own place, and it actually pains me. It makes sense to put them away for now, but my instinct wants them to stay out and to stay visible.
  • I really like oatmeal. I've even discovered a new, probably not actually healthy way of preparing it - by adding sliced bananas, raisins, dried cranberries, dried cherries, and chocolate chips. It is just too damn good.
  • On a drive to my dad's in Lexington, my six-disc CD changer was full of Devo and Electric Six CDs. Consequently, I daydreamed about fronting an all-girl Devo cover band and creating an animated feature based on Electric Six songs (like Daft Punk's _Interstella 5555_).
  • When my grandparents and my dad lived in Florida, there was a botanical garden/theme park called Cypress Gardens. They had girls dressed up like Southern Belles who walked around the park, and if your family had money, you could do it too. I always DREAMED of being one of those pretty Southern Belles...
  • I knitted a giant squid. I named him Squidot. I sleep with him at night, like a body pillow. I'm sure it will change someday when I can actually sleep next to my boyfriend every night, but Squidot is pretty damn comfy.
  • I'm allergic to Aleve, aspirin, and possibly salmon. I say "possibly" because I think I've only had it once. I know I've only cooked it once before, and it was soooo tasty. But then it was sooo bad when my mom had to make a 1:00 AM Benedryl run.
  • I miss Rick Moranis. I know and respect his reasons for retiring from acting, but he was adorable in his film roles, especially Little Shop of Horrors, Ghostbusters, and Spaceballs.
  • I didn't get my driver's license until I was 21. I really have no idea why it took me so long, because I freaking love driving, now.
  • My car is named Hannelore after the character in Questionable Content.
  • I like watching 16 and Pregnant. Please don't ask me why, since I dislike everything else MTV puts out, and I have never been in the group of girls who would have gotten pregnant at sixteen (HELL-O! Have the dude wrap it before he taps it!). I don't actively seek the show for the times it airs, but when it's on, it's a hard bargain not to watch it.
  • I had a dream about being in a car accident last night. The car rolled, and after that, I went to reach for my phone to make a call. Immediately after I reached for it, the alarm on my phone (in real life) rang.
  • I like weight, like weighted blankets. It might be the middle of summer, but I need at least a sheet over me. I need to be covered. There are currently six blankets on my bed, and when I was little, I was referred to as a caterpillar in a cocoon. I also love it when I get an x-ray of my teeth at the dentist's office, because they put a lead apron on me. If they could leave that on me, I'd be so happy.
  • When people play with my hair, it soothes me. There are times when I have fallen asleep while getting my hair cut because I've been so calm.
  • I'm considering dying my hair purple for graduation. I think it would actually be quite subtle, given my dark hair color, but I don't know if I want to deal with an argument on what is supposed to be a good day (whether I want to deal with the graduation hoopla or not.)
apr 21 2011 ∞
dec 30 2011 +