(500) days of summer, 11, absorbing anything and everything, aches, aesthetically appealing things, anthropology, being ocd about tags, bone crushing hugs, booth/brennan, breathing, capturing moments on camera, caresses, cheesy-instant-happiness musical films, completing to-do list items, consistency, criminology, culture, dark chocolate, design, dysfunctional family television relationships, earth, epic fist pumping, fingers fitting together perfectly, finishing each other’s sentences, good company, harmonizing on accident, harry potter, hipster coffeeshops, history, honesty, jazz, jinxing the best friend, law, leverage, life, mamma mia!, music, negative space, overcast skies, pee-in-your-pants laughter, people who are interesting, photoshop, red nail polish, sailor stripes, sand between toes, sexy tenor saxophonists, silent tears, sleeping, socialism, star trek xi, stream of consciousness, strickland’s, suicide hill, the beach, the dissonance game, the dollar theatre, the fucked-up-criminal-“justice” system, tiva, too much television, up, us, way too much television, zutara