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i like sailor stripes, red nail polish, tv, good company, good food, good music, good reads, learning, history, and the beach.

  • blog every day!
  • intern at a publication that i believe in, refinery29 being a cool place that meets my interest in fashion and politics and all else
  • public policy explorations
  • (in the same vein) think tank explorations: google liberal think tanks and work from this nytimes article
  • npr/journalism-ish thing? making news
  • museums (cool places. not art.) (not that there is anything wrong with art, but that it's not my... thing... in the way that history museums are my thing.) (says the girl who spends hours wandering around art museums.)
  • library happenings
  • law places
  • activist work????? i hesitate to say "non-profit" because how do you your money isn't actually covered in blood u kno and i don't think there's necessarily an organization that covers everything that i'd be interested in? maybe twitter will suffice. and having, engaging in dialogues. and creating spaces for those discussions. and doing more volunteer-oriented things rather than For Professional Reasons
  • more... teaching... things!
  • politics. working for a campaign! like whoever the hell runs in 2016 oR!! if i were just in a place where a local election seriously mattered at whatever level of gov't it was, yaaaaaaaah
  • smithsonian dreams

overall: places that serve the public interest--work for the public, work with(in) the public, and have everything to do with... the... public... that lean heavily in the direction of research/knowledge making, being around intelligent human beings, doing meaningful things that matter in some way, be it small or large. i'm good at looking things up! but i really need to be productive. and largely, for now, being told exactly what to do. and how to do it. (give me a model). it'd also be super nice if i got paid!!! um... like what i do. that's important. and just remember to keep learning! and keep questioning. and thinking. but also lots of doing. and living and making choices and taking risks every now and then. (or not.) and having dialogues and conversations and discussions because talking and writing it out is good and productive, and learning is a cyclical process--just as teaching is!

  • think about Future Plans
  • apply for more internships (public policy! think tanks!)
  • apply for fellowships (google post-baccalaureate fellowships, a la the carnegie one. dreams.) (but not dreams.)
  • apply for real jobs i guess
  • look into volunteering opportunities
  • clean out closet
nov 3 2013 ∞
jul 6 2014 +