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I work with oh so many dogs and try desperately to write or draw at any given free moment. I also like cartoons, anime, and video games.

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There's a 75% chance my rambles are about Pokemon. When it's not that or real-life related, they tend to be about:

Primary Interests: Animation | VIdeo Games | Animals | Ace Attorney | Fire Emblem | VTubers (Mainly Hololive but not a purist) | Kingdom Hearts | Critical Role / Dungeons & Dragons | RWBY | Sonic the Hedgehog | Love Live! School Idol Project | Kirby | Xenoblade Chronicles (Mainly 3, but also a fan of the original)

Additional Interests: Astronomy (Constellations) | Rocks & Minerals | Webcomincs | Honkai Star Rail | Dragalia Lost | Kid Icarus: Uprising | Super Smash Bros. | Danganronpa series | Splatoon series | Portal | Ratchet and Clank | Jax and Daxter | Persona series (3+) | Tales Of series | Avatar: The Last Airbender / The Legend of Korra | The Owl House | Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts | The Hollow | Steven Universe | Gravity Falls | Code Lyoko | Xiaolin Showdown | Danny Phantom | Tenkai Knights

I also watch seasonal anime (since the 2010s). I try to watch at least one per season if I have the time. I like slice-of-life, idol/music, and fantasy and am always on board for good action. I'm trying to catch up on some of the classics as well. For specifics, I have an Anilist with general thoughts on various series I completed!

As for video games, I tend to prefer Nintendo and Indies but trying to branch out as well. I take frequent breaks and go at my own pace. RPGs, Visual Novels, Mystery/Puzzles, and, apparently, platformers are my preferred genre. I like horror but horror does not like me.

For cartoons, I prefer story-driven over episodic and try to branch toward more adult animation and upcoming indie projects.

I don't watch a lot of movies and am very casual about music. Slowly but surely trying to pick back up reading as well but don't talk about it much. I have an interest in webcomics as well but don't tend to talk about them often.

OH! Some of my favorite animals include: cats, dogs, foxes, frogs, turtles, lizards, corvids, backyard birds, armadillos, jerboas, rabbits, stingrays/mobulas, weasels, otters, butterflies/moths, rabbits, and bats. I have a soft spot for anteaters and am growing one for scorpions as well.

sep 29 2018 ∞
jul 24 2023 +