• the stars are at fault - clinical intern cai xukun keeps running into a hot, obnoxious, beanie-wearing boy at the hospital.
  • as long as you want - zhengting stills. this is possibly the one man zhengting would want to avoid meeting the most at 2am in mcdonalds in his pajamas.
  • sugar, baby ♡ - after sugar baby zhengting gets into a fight with sugar daddy yanchen, he goes to sugar baby #2 xukun for comfort.
  • detention ♡ - zhengting and xukun stuck in detention on a saturday.
  • Zhengting all on his mouth like liquor - Zhengting steps all over Xukun - both figuratively + literally or: Zhengting tries to be a power bottom and fails
  • the right angle - xukun keeps pleading and zhengting keeps giving
  • Teasing - Where Zhengting isn’t a patient person but Xukun wants to make him one.

♡ - smut

jun 9 2018 ∞
jun 10 2018 +