the deadline is december 1, 2012
the list:
- Go on a road trip
- Go one month without buying anything unnecessary
- Be in at least one musical or play
- Paint a painting
- (Finally) teach myself guitar
- Go skiing
- Read all seven Harry Potter books in French (0/7)
- Go to five auditions (0/5)
- Stop using ‘lol’ unnecessarily
- Stop using ‘haha’ unnecessarily
- Write a song
- Write a musical
- Redecorate my bedroom
- Take dance classes
- See 10 films I have never heard of (0/10)
- Read 10 books I have never heard of (0/10)
- Have seen all the films on AFI’s top 25 movie musical list (11/25)
- Have seen all the films on AFI’s top 10 list (24/100)
- Drink at least 1 litre of water a day for a month
- Go ice skating
- Learn how to cook 10 meals by heart (0/10)
- Bungee jump
- Save at least 10% of my weekly earnings
- Write a screenplay
- Use the rowing machine 3 times a week for at least a month
- Be able to play a song on the piano off by heart
- Write spontaneous, heartfelt letters to my closest friends
- Make a dress
- Go a week without going onto any social networking site
- Ride a motorbike
- Fondue
- Listen to some new music every week
- Kiss in the rain
- Go a weekend without using my computer, mobile or iPod
- Attend International Suit Up Day
- Play laser strike
- Do NaNoWriMo at least once
- Go bowling
- Go on a date
- Have (at least) a 10 minute conversation with a stranger
- Visit an art gallery a year
- Take a photo a day for a month, and upload them somewhere (for proof)
- Buy a piece of original artwork
- Learn a magic trick
- Go to the movies by myself
- Unlock all the songs in Rock Band 2
- Complete a colouring in book
- Send something into PostSecret
- Write a letter to myself to open at the end of the 1001 days
- Watch at least one episode of a show I’d never consider watching
- Leave notes for people to find in 50 books (0/50)
- Have a video diary for at least a month
- Be able to name 5 constellations (0/5)
- Go skinny dipping
- Make 5 personalised mix tapes for friends (1/5)
- Watch 26 movies I’ve never seen that start with each letter of the alphabet (0/26)
- Say “yes” to everything for a weekend
- Go to five concerts (0/5)
- Go to an open air cinema screening
- Make something craft-y
- Watch the sunrise and sunset on the same day
- Have a bubble bath. With candles.
- Take part in a flash mob
- Have sex with someone I care about deeply
- See 10 plays or musicals (0/10)
- Go a week without watching television
- Go a month without drinking coffee
- Go a month without drinking soda
- Have a manicure
- Spend a day just reading
- Write (and send) a love letter
- Find “the perfect jeans”
- Read the first ten Temperance Brennan novels (0/10)
- Read the complete works of Shakespeare
- Write and illustrate a comic or graphic novel
- Go lingerie shopping
- Get a bra fitting
- Get no more than two weeks behind on university readings
- Finish an assignment a week before it’s due
- Buy a vinyl record
- Read Pride and Prejudice
- Go a month without fast food
- Read a foreign book in the original language
- See 10 foreign films (0/10)
- Watch a French film without subtitles
- Submit a t-shirt design to Threadless
- Visit New York
- Get a new job
- Re-do my cork board
- Redeem something from FlyBuys
- Go a month without using my credit card
- Organise my computer files
- Go to bed before 10pm 5 times (0/5)
- Give a guy my number without being asked
- Play my Phantom of the Opera sheet music on the piano from start to finish in one sitting
- Go fishing
- Drink nothing but water for a week
- Have a picnic
- Make an origami zoo
- Re-watch 5 Disney movies from childhood (0/5)
- Write a new 101 list
mar 5 2010 ∞
mar 16 2010 +