- aeipathy. (n.) an enduring and consuming passion.
- acosmist. one who believes that nothing exists.
- anacampserote. (n.) something which can bring back a lost love.
- aubade. a love song which is sung at dawn.
- aureate. pertaining to the fancy or flowery words used by poets.
- backpfeifengesicht. (n.) a face badly in need of a fist. (german)
- bibliothecary. (n.) one who collects or maintains books.
- callipygean. having well-shaped buttocks.
- cataglottism. kissing with the tongue; French kissing. (what a disgusting-sounding word for something so nice)
- charientism. an artfully veiled insult.
- cosmogyral. (adj.) whirling around the universe.
- defenestration. the act of throwing something or someone out of a window.
- dépaysement. (n.) when someone is taken out of their own familiar world into a new one. (french)
- desenrascanço. (n.) the improvisation of haphazard but completely sound solutions or plans at the last minute (portuguese)
- discombobulate. (v.) to confuse or disconcert; upset; frustrate.
- dormiveglia. (n.) the space that stretches between sleeping and waking. (italian)
- dustsceawung. (n.) "contemplation of the dust"; reflection on former civilizations and peoples, and on the knowledge that all things will turn to dust. (old english)
- dwale. to wander about deliriously.
- dysphoria. an unwell feeling.
- esprit d'escalier. (n.) when you think of the perfect verbal comeback... much too late. (french)
- eumoirous. happiness due to being honest and wholesome.
- farctate. the state of being stuffed with food; having overeaten.
- gargalesthia. the sensation caused by tickling.
- incalescent. (adj.) growing hotter or more ardent; set ablaze.
- lalochezia. the use of vulgar or foul language to relieve stress or pain.
- logolepsy. (n.) a fascination or obsession with words.
- mamihlapinatapai. (n.) a look between two people that suggests an unspoken, shared desire. (yaghan)
- mimp. to speak in a prissy manner, usually with pursed lips.
- naufragio. (n.) lit. "shipwreck"; colloquially, a lousy party. (italian)
- nepenthe. (n.) something that can make you forget grief or suffering.
- oubliette. (n.) a secret dungeon with an opening only in the ceiling; a place you put people to forget about them.
- orphic. (adj.) mysterious and entrancing; beyond ordinary understanding.
- paralian. a person who lives near the sea.
- petrichor. (n.) the scent of dry rain on earth.
- piggesnye. (n.) "a cuckooflower"; someone who is pretty but not particularly bright.
- sabaism. the worship of stars.
- schadenfreude. is pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others.
- shlimazl. (n.) an inept, bungling person who suffers from unremitting bad luck. (yiddish)
- zoanthropy (n.) a derangement in which a person believes himself to be an animal and acts accordingly
nov 2 2012 ∞
nov 3 2012 +