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30. I really love tea and knitting. I waste too much time reading FitzSimmons fanfics. And Peralta/Santiago fanfics. And Doctor/River fanfics.

listography NEW NEWS
  • Go on a search for as many good climbing trees as possible, climb as high as we both can in all, then compile photo evidence.
  • Go through our bookcase and leave notes for future reading.
  • Have one dressed as a ghost and one dressed as Pacman. Walk around down-town holding hands, and whenever someone recognises what we were, pretend to be embarrassed and run off screaming "wocka wocka wocka!"
  • Create photo evidence suggesting we went on an adventure that didn't really happen.
  • Build forts out of furniture and blankets and wage war with paper airplanes, etc
  • Try and visit as many friends as possible and turn things upside down without them noticing (at their desk, in their homes, etc)
  • Go to the airport, buy tickets to the soonest departing flight and spend a weekend wherever we end up.
  • Write a piece of fiction together, outside in a cafe.
  • Do the lamest touristy things possible.
  • Go to the beach in the very early morning for the sunrise. Have a picnic breakfast, then fall asleep together under an umbrella.
  • Drive somewhere unknown and have dinner in a city you've never been to. Use fake names and make up full stories to go with them.
  • Use chalk and put hearts around random bits of graffiti in your city.
  • Walk about a city and perform short silent plays in front of security cameras.
  • With a camera and pair of boots, make a photolog of a day in the life of an invisible man.
  • Walk about a city all night and find a place to eat breakfast at dawn.
  • Go to a restaurant and convince the cook to create something completely new for you.
  • Rent a movie you've never seen before. Set it on mute and improvise dialogue.
  • Texting and scones.
  • Spend a day dressed in old clothing. Make/use weird currencies and struggle to find the real thing. Walk around with a newspaper all 'it's 2012?! How did that happen?' (I'm allowed to just look baffled.)
  • On holiday, use fake names, taken from Doctor Who.
sep 5 2011 ∞
oct 1 2011 +