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30. I really love tea and knitting. I waste too much time reading FitzSimmons fanfics. And Peralta/Santiago fanfics. And Doctor/River fanfics.

listography NEW NEWS
  • There won't really be one
    • No family
    • One or two friends
      • Only those who've been important throughout the relationship
      • Barest minimum to sign everything
      • Someone who can take fantastic photos
  • There might be a dinner afterwards, a week later or after the holiday
  • There won't be a honeymoon, it'll be a holiday
  • No wedding dress
  • Maybe a suit, if he's that way inclined
  • Will probably be down south, somewhere nice
    • Somewhere near snow?
      • Then it's like two holidays - one to get married, then Tokyo after
  • There won't be any giving away - I'm already his and my father has never been important (sadly enough)
  • There won't be diamond rings. Meteorite is far more awesome
  • No special cars - neither of us care
  • There will be awesome coats and boots
  • Incredibly yummy food that night - no reception still.
  • There will be the signing of something somewhere nice. Photos. Then that's it.
  • No bridal shower. Or hens night. Or bucks night. Both of us think the idea is fucking stupid.
  • It will just be about us, with no one else to share it, no attention, nothing~
  • Perhaps a holiday a year later (or before?) to introduce each other to both remote families - Gold coast, farm, Perth, etc.
jul 22 2011 ∞
sep 3 2011 +