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30. I really love tea and knitting. I waste too much time reading FitzSimmons fanfics. And Peralta/Santiago fanfics. And Doctor/River fanfics.

listography NEW NEWS

Primary School

  • Alexi - Didn't really get along, did karate together, she almost hit me with a metre ruler, accidentally broke a white-out pen over her new laptop and thought I'd be sent to jail
  • Ashley - Fletcher's older twin sister, was best friends in preschool until she moved away. When she came back in year five we didn't remember each other, but instantly started talking and hanging out - even though I usually avoided new kids completely
  • Chenelle - Had a creek running -through- their house, SO rich, Tamagotchis, Romy & Michelle's High School Reunion
  • Courtney - Fantastic dancer, cutest beagle puppy, 'What's up, Jules?', best pool ever, our dads worked together
  • Danielle - First to drive in our group, turned out to be a bitch, who knew?
  • Fletcher - Ashley's younger twin brother, used to put red paint in teacher's soup bowl in preschool, had such long hair was mistaken for a girl
  • Grace - best friend from transition until 2005, fantastic artist in all ways, takes the best photos I've ever seen, first to be married in our group
  • Kiri - Incredibly rude and spoilt, but loved reading so we got along
  • Laura - Such a weird family, adored horses
  • Mel - Michael's cousin, part of the 'Grr, I'm angry!' crowd
  • Michael - Such a dork and hasn't changed, rebroke my foot by accident, 'Grrr, I'm angry!', incredibly rich now and still hasn't changed
  • Natalie - Just got married, still meet with her in Alexi's friends circle sometimes
  • Serena - Coloured in her hair with textas
  • Stewart - Incredibly nice, now works at the bank, red head
  • Tara - did ballet, loved fern gully, lived down in the bushland
jul 22 2011 ∞
jul 22 2011 +