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30. I really love tea and knitting. I waste too much time reading FitzSimmons fanfics. And Peralta/Santiago fanfics. And Doctor/River fanfics.

listography NEW NEWS
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  • The Reichenbach Falls
    • It's raining and gloomy
    • John annoyed and about as rude as he gets - he can't stand people being insensitive
    • He has to take deep breaths
    • John's voice breaking
    • Can hardly say it
      • 'My best friend. Sherlock Holmes. Is dead.'
      • And he starts to cry.
    • They included the waterfall somehow
    • Somehow Sherlock knows what all the gifts are
    • John tells him off for being rude. Is Sherlock just continuing to be rude because he's stubborn, or because it makes John react?
    • The gift they give Sherlock - the one he doesn't insult (at least, in front of everyone)
    • John helping Sherlock with people's emotions
      • Sherlock got that one though
    • Boffin!
    • Confirmed Batchelor!
      • And the fact Sherlock took note of it
    • 'Why is it always the hat photograph?'
      • 'It's not a hat, is it? Is it a cap? Why has it got two fronts?'
      • 'It's a deerstalker.'
      • 'How do you stalk a deer with a hat? What do you do, throw it? Like some kind of death frisbee. It's got flaps. Ear flaps. It's an ear hat, John!'
    • John warns him the press will turn on him ._.
    • Moriarty dressed as a tourist.
    • The fact there's a body hanging in the room and John only takes notice to ask if Sherlock talked it to death
    • Mori cracking his neck
      • How stunningly they filmed him stretching and such
    • 'Not our division.'
      • With his feet up, and a coffee, and doughnuts.
    • The tea flying everywhere!
    • Mori's exaggerated chewing
      • and dancing
    • And of course, the message to Sherlock
    • But most of all, how he's sitting on the throne, all dressed up
    • Martin's bare feet
      • Hobbit?
    • Martin's bathrobe and towel
      • Hitchhikers?
    • 'In a twist worthy of a Conan Doyle novella.'
    • Sinnerman by Nina Simone
    • John leading Sherlock through the press crowd
    • Sherlock not letting John get a word in
      • 'I'll just be myself.'
      • 'Are you listening to me?'
    • Mori being a creep
    • Oh Katherine, what are you doing. Her voice is so odd in this. Annoying.
    • 'You repel me.'
    • If that is the cab driver's (ex) wife, that's awesome.
    • Moriarty's expression at Sherlock saying they have a special something.
    • Sherlock knowing the jobs of all those on the jury.
    • Sherlock can't survive for a few minutes without showing off.
    • The fantastic split screen
      • Especially with Sherlock's back, and Mori's front, and their same turn towards each other
    • That beautiful sky
    • Mori's face
      • How he looks to John
      • And his face
    • Sherlock makes tea
      • And plays the violin
      • Sherlock drinking tea, seemingly bonier than usual
      • 'Final Problem'
      • Moriarty's code
      • Mori's 'posh' oh how clever ramble
      • Everything he says, and how he says it
      • 'Honey, you should see me in a crown.'
      • 'Aren't ordinary people adooorable.'
      • 'Oh, you know. You've got Jawn. I should get myself a live-in one. It'd be so funny,'
      • 'The Final Problem' again
      • The whistle.
    • John and the ATM and the resigned acceptance of the black car
    • How loud he is in the Diogenes Club!
    • 'Three quarters of the diplomatic service and half the Government front bench, all sharing one tea trolley, it's for the best, believe me.'
    • Why does Mycroft read The Sun?
    • John being sarcastic with Mycroft every step of the way
    • Of course John notices the female
    • Mycroft's faaace
    • John's face
    • Sherlock 'going easy' by shouting, just so she speaks quickly
    • Sherlock sniffing everything
    • 'Get Anderson!'
      • 'Brilliant, Anderson.'
      • 'Really?'
      • 'Brilliant impression of an idiot.'

  * Poor Molly

      • Having lunch with Sherlock though
      • Even if it is just crisps
    • Molly is fantastic
      • Stumbling through the door with too many books
      • Her face, pulling on the gloves
    • 'Thank you, John.'
      • '...Molly.'
      • 'Yes.'
    • 'You look sad. When you think he can't see you. Are you okay? And don't just say you are, because I know what that means. Looking sad, when you think no one can see you.
      • 'You can see me.'
      • 'I don't count. What I'm trying to say is if there's anything I can do - anything you need, anything at all... you can have me. No. I, I just mean, I mean if there's anything you need- it's fine...'
    • Sherlock's map
      • How do all the homeless have mobiles?
    • No, Lestrade, don't listen to her!
    • The story time video - Sir Boasts Alot!
    • Lestrade's gesturing
      • How dare he doubt Sherlock
      • Lestrade's King. He should take more responcibility
    • Mention of 'The Final Problem' yet again
    • Mori's cab cap
    • So apparently mrs Hudson cleans their flat - so much for being just the landlady
      • 'I'm in my nightie!'
    • Sherlock touches all of his favourites. Taps Lestrade on the forehead.
    • 'You'd care if they thought you were stupid or wrong.'
      • 'No, that would just make them stupid or wrong.'
    • Sherlock actually reacts when he thinks John doubts him
    • 'No, I know you're for real.'
      • 'One hundred percent?'
      • 'No one could fake being such an annoying dick all the time.'
    • Lestrade at least warns John
    • Mrs Hudson telling them off for barging in
    • John demanding to see a warrant
    • Lestrade threatening to arrest John
    • John punching out their boss
    • 'Joining me?'
    • Sherlock looking at everything carefully
    • Sherlock grabbing a gun and firing into the air like he does
    • Sherlock taking John 'hostage'
    • Sherlock and John running off
    • 'Take my hand!'
      • 'Now people will definitely talk!'
    • John stopping Sherlock and forcing him to co-operate
    • Sherlock and John waiting politely on the sofa.
    • Sherlock's poor face when he sees Moriarty come in.
    • Moriarty's acting here is simply fantastic. All scruffy, acting scared, yet articulating everything perfectly.
    • John gets so, so angry.
    • 'Molly, I think I'm going to die.'
    • 'If I wasn't everything you think I am - everything I think I am, would you still want to help me?'
      • 'What do you need?'
      • 'You.'
    • And Sherlock's actually a bit scared of whether or not they can pull it off.
    • John working out it must have been Mycroft.
    • 'Have you seen your brother's address book lately? Two names - yours and mine.'
    • Mycroft stammering
    • John telling Mycroft very carefully just how badly he stuffed up
    • Mycroft apologising
    • John laughing at him and walking out
    • Sherlock playing with the ball - just as House does
    • John's worry over Mrs Hudson
      • And anger over Sherlock not joining him
    • Moriarty on the roof
    • Staying Alive
      • 'It's so boring! Staaaaying alive...'
    • Moriarty so upset he beat Sherlock, and how easy it was
    • He called Sherlock ordinary
    • The voices Moriarty puts on
    • 'DOOFUS!'
    • 'Police! Sort of.'
    • Mentions John first. Then Mrs Hudson. Then Lestrade.
    •  Moriarty's plan really is damn good.
    • But Sherlock already worked it out.
    • Sherlock laughing.
    • This whole roof scene being so amazing I can't itemise it. I can only watch.
    • They shake hands
    • 'Well, good luck with that,' are his last words
    • I still can't believe he kills himself just to ruin Sherlock
      • Sherlock sniffs at his coat - some kind of drug?
      • Steps onto the edge
      • Has John on speed dial. Well, all phones are like that these days. But whatever.
    • Sherlock tries to make John believe it's all true.
    • John still believes - he starts trying to convince Sherlock that he's not a fraud
    • Sherlock lying, saying he wanted to impress John
    • Only gets annoyed when he gets John to stay in an exact spot
    • He reaches out, he doesn't put his hand up to stop
    • He drops the phone behind him
    • Arms and legs are flailing, it's him, not Moriary's body
    • Kid on the bike knocks John down on purpose
    • Homeless network is the crowd?
    • Sherlock was falling down one way, and lands 90 degrees differently
    • Paramedics take him away quickly without checking anything and without securing his neck
    • Everyone leaves John alone rather quickly
    • Mycroft still reading The Sun
    • John barefoot - showing he's not ready for the outside world anymore
    • Shirt looks very rumpled - still the one he was wearing on the day, but a paper has come out in that time
    • It's been 18 months and John still can't say what he should have to Sherlock
    • John's angry
    • John eventually reassuring Mrs Hudson
    • Mrs Hudson's wobbly walk away.
    • 'You told me once that you weren't a hero. Uhm. There were times when I didn't even think you were human, but let me tell you this: you were the best man, uh, the most "human" human being that I've ever known and no one will ever convince me that you told me a lie, er, so there.'
    • He rests his hand on the gravestone.
    • 'I was so alone. And I owe you so much. Please, there's just one more thing. One more thing. One more miracle, Sherlock, for me. Don't be dead. Would you do that for me? Just stop it. Stop this.'
    • John can hardly say dead.
    • And he cries.
    • And becomes a solider again.
    • And he limps away.
    • And bloody Sherlock is just there watching, and he's so getting punched when they reunite.
jan 19 2012 ∞
jan 20 2012 +