thursday 13th of february 2014

criminal minds type thing that occurred in my house ;;

  • yum cha dream

basically eating yum cha with friends and something to do with who can eat the most or something (cos it was the 10 course yum cha meal thing)

  • a friend telin gus how he'll support his gf even though she has a baby and how she was super touched
  • being stuck in a room (parents room) and practicing music
  • there was this guy that was playing electric guitar who we didn't really know and this other guy who was playing piano i think or something else

i was playing acoustic and it was being drowned out so anyway this guy was like super tense and kind of withdrawn from everyone and we kept doing our rounds around the beds (there was like three) cos they had the instruments on it so this happened for a while and at one point he and i played the same song but mine was sort of drowned out anyway at one point we started talking and it sounded like he was like in pain and he really hated himself so we were like are you okay and then somehow it came out that he has actually been in trouble with the law and stuff and he can't believe it so he thinks everyone hates him and that he's super bad so he like runs into the toilet and kind of has a panic attack we go in with him nd while he's crowded around the sink we're kind of like dw we think yuou're okay and he starts to believe us (very slowly) and disbelivingly like wait what you shouldn't be like this and then he beleives us and he becomes really touched and he has this wound on his hand so the other guy helps him while i go back to the musical room insert some useless chatter about how imagine if your voice was your instrment then you'd ust have to be singing random songs in this practice an te other guy was like well yeah what else so anyway the wounded guy starts to get like a panic attack on the furthest bed from the bathroom and i try to like calm him down saying no you're alright you can do this you're better than this and it turns out that he actually punched the guy to death the guy who hurt his sister like really badly and abused her sexually and physically (it was super bad) and that was why he had the wound on his hand and the bandage fell of while we were talking and it sort of opened up so he started bleeding again so when he sort of calmed down we all went back to the bathroom and everything was allright until the guy looked over and was like i can't breathe and his face was getting really red and then i wasn't myself i turned into this guy whatevs i was looking on from the dream from some other pov and he looked in my direction (as a guy) and started choking me and we were both like wth stop i looked like that one direction guy (liam???) anyway so he was choking me and it sort of went outside into the hallway and his sister was there somehow and the other guy was like wtf do i do and his sister was screaming for him to stop but he wasn't and it turns out that when someone looks like the guy who wronged his sis he actually attacks them and (tries to?) kill them the same way

and somehow that moved on us being on the bed and these creatures coming out from underneath like how did they get into the room? or the house? we don't know? but anyway it was just us girls in the room so we started freaking out and all jumped onto the bed and then more started coming out form under the bed (they were like furry kind of like hamsters/guinea pigs) and then this really large one popped up which was like two times the size of the other ones since we were scared somehow we managed to exit the room and we were on the stair case or something trying to get them out i think but then they turned into these three little girls.....

anyway long story short, these three girls who were lost were found in our house. they were running away from their mother or something and as an investigation team we knew of their disappearance and stuff so we were glad we found them. they were just sitting on our couch waiting and talking to us.

so when they were leaving after their foster carers or someone they knew were coming to get them, one of them was like 'where's mz?' and we were all like 'who's mz????'

turns out it's one of their other sisters who we didn't know about it. so they left and past my hallway, one of the people in our team found a young blonde girl and i though we saved her as well but as i got closer i carried her and ---

sudden scene change into a lecture type setting. and we're learning about the incisions made to the girl in a diagram - she's basically being used as the 'model' for the lecture - in order for her to be stuffed and turned into a doll ---

flashback to scene in the house where i found her and carried her. she felt off. too cold. i realised she wasn't alive actually.

then we went back to the place in the beginning where we were like looking at old ruins and stuff and we found this boat like thing hidden somewhere - like you had to press part of it/this secret button thing so it would reveal itself. there were instructions on it and we had to like reenact the pictures it showed, e.g. sitting in the exact positions etc in order to progress on. anyway so we did it and it revealed this thing and we found the father of the children who we were looking for before but didn't know what happened to him. it turns out the mother also turned him into a doll and hid him there for us to find like she was taunting us.

i think that was the end. it is somewhat vague and blurry now.

feb 12 2014 ∞
mar 20 2014 +