• thrushpaw, lavenderpaw, mudpaw, and thistlepaw are considered to be blessed by starclan since everyone in their large litter survived kithood
  • mountainclan's a bit odd in a way, in a sense that they keep so many precious secrets from the other clans, but they encourage complete honesty and transparency when communicating with each other. no secrets are kept from clanmates here.
  • meadowclan greatly values storytelling, from myths and legends to tales of recent excursions. they enjoy hearing stories from former rogues/loners who recently joined.
  • in meadowclan, naming themes for litters are common; siblings tend to have corresponding names
  • no one really likes heathclan, to be honest
  • some optimistic apprentices are determined to befriend their meadowclan peers (usually to no avail)
  • meadowclan accepts the most outsiders into their ranks by far; such diverse blood means they're the healthiest cats
  • heathclan sees meadowclan as lazy and impudent weirdos, forestclan as reckless idiots, and mountainclan as bland and lacking personality
  • heathclanners are elitist fucks
  • pinewhisker sees copperpaw as a daughter. briarstar will begrudgingly think the same of her, eventually
  • forestclan have a stigma surrounding them of having fallen out of starclan's grace long ago, due to the fact that sunlight/moonlight/starlight rarely breaks past the treetops of their territory. they have a complicated relationship with their ancestors as a result
  • fireflies are a common sight in forestclan's territory; it's a common belief that their ancestors chose to remain on forestclan territory instead of going to starclan, so that they could effectively watch over them without being hindered by the dense trees. this is rarely discussed with the other clans, but forestclanners take comfort in knowing that their ancestors really are with them. nights where fireflies are out and about are generally happy, pleasant ones.
  • thrushpaw is in hot water at the moment due to the fact that he almost let mountainclan's weakness slip to a forestclan apprentice a few moons before copperpaw joined (it was a heat of the moment sorta thing)
  • heathclanclan is the most religious. the seer may hold a bit more power than the leader, even
  • meadowclanners are very passive aggressive and have an air of haughtiness to them, earning much ire from heathclan
  • although winter is a time of hardship, it is a very holy time for forestclan; this is the one season where they are in plain view of starclan day and night
  • mountainclan litters are usually very small and/or most kits in a litter don't survive to apprenticehood. this is because of the severe lack of outbreeding
  • meadowclan litters tend to be larger and healther due to the fact that they outbreed the most. most kits live to apprenticehood
  • angel is a former kittypet who was abandoned by her humans five moons ago. she struck out on her own and was met with a cruel, unforgiving world, especially due to her inexperience. eventually she met a tom who protected her and taught her how to hunt, but he was killed after a few moons. then she was on her own again, but it wasn't long before she realized she was pregnant with his kits. she wandered for a while, and came across meadowclan one day. she's staying with them because she's desperate for protection and wants her kits to grow up with as little suffering as possible
  • when a warrior-aged cat joins a clan, they keep their current name and train with any free warriors until they've been properly trained; the length of this training depends on the cats' prior experience. once this time comes, they're given a proper warrior name
sep 28 2017 ∞
oct 22 2018 +