
  • most cats who aren't from mountainclan fear her
  • strict and ruthless
  • fiercely protective
  • blunt and sharp-tongued
  • most of mountainclan's apprentices fear her after she publicly beat thrushpaw. they know it's for the good of the clan but they're worried that she'll do the same to them


  • big and fluffy, v huggable
  • the clan grandpa tbh
  • has a rivalry with daisystar, likes to push her buttons
  • has a bit of a flair for drama
  • nosy and inquisitive


  • seems to lack a sense of humor
  • reserved, bottles things up
  • looncloud is the only cat she feels fully comfortable speaking personally with, partially because she's a seer and partially because they've been close friends since they were kits
  • quick to anger
  • apathetic towards outsiders, would even leave an enemy kit to die if it wasn't against the code
  • cynical and suspicious of others' motives


oct 24 2017 ∞
oct 22 2018 +