• fur: soft, light, often earthy tones
    • this way, they can't be seen easily even with the lack of cover
    • lots of diluted cats
    • black fur and torties are rare
    • white cats aren't uncommon
  • usually on the smaller side
  • slender, elegant
  • tabbies are uncommon, most are ticked tabbies


  • thick fur, big paws
  • dark earthy colors; browns and greys to blend in with rocks and forest. dilute torties as well
  • ticked tabbies are common. ticked tabbies hunt higher in the mountains bc they blend in better with the rocks. regular tabbies hunt in the forest bc like tigers and stuff
  • some white spotting is common, but pure white cats are very rare
  • the largest of all the clans so they can retain body heat


  • midsized, medium-length fur
  • muscular since they're climbers
  • predominantly tabbies and tortoiseshells, white spotting is rare


  • size varies, as does fur color
  • natives are typically various shades of brown, lots of tabbies
  • bright eyes, short fur, robust
oct 29 2017 ∞
oct 22 2018 +