• sloeclaw is the father of violetthroat's litter; they had a fling, with some flirtation involved. there are no romantic feelings
  • lichenclaw has a crush on bramblepool, but no one knows except for lavenderpaw
  • briarstar and pinewhisker both have a crush on each other and everyone in the clan knows that they're a thing, but briar's not very good at expressing herself/dealing w her emotions so their relationship isn't official
  • NAME and ospreypelt are mates
  • bramblepool and beestar were friendly as apprentices. he developed a crush on her after a while and eventually managed to woo her. their friends often liked to poke fun at them, but since they were all apprentices, no one took it very seriously. the relationship was lax, and although they matured and drfited apart once they became warriors, they still met and chatted every now and again. they conceived beetlepaw and dapplepaw soon after beestar was promoted to deputy. upon realizing she was pregnant, bramblepool panicked and withdrew, and they haven't spoken since. beestar knows that the kits are his, but hasn't tried anything because he feels guilty, doesn't want to cause conflict, and doesn't want his or her reputation to plummet
  • since beestar's relationship with bramblepool was quite casual, and they drifted apart often, he also developed feelings for cloudfur during one of their periods apart. he had a litter with her soon after he saw beetlepaw and dapplepaw (partially to make himself feel better and eliminate suspicion)
oct 23 2017 ∞
oct 22 2018 +