• All or nothing thinking - sometimes called 'black and white thinking'
    • "If I'm not perfect I have failed."
    • "Either I do it right or not at all."
  • Mental filter - only paying attention to certain types of evidence
    • Noticing our failures but not seeing our successes
  • Jumping to conclusions - falls into two key types
    • Mind reading - imagining we know what others are thinking
    • Fortune telling - predicting the future
  • Emotional reasoning - assuming that because we feel a certain way what we think must be true
    • "I feel embarrassed so I must be an idiot"
  • Labeling - assigning labels to ourselves or other people
    • "I'm a loser."
    • "I'm completely useless."
    • "They're such an idiot."
  • Overgeneralizing - seeing a pattern based upon a single event, or being overly broad in the conclusions we draw
    • "Everything is always rubbish."
    • "Nothing good ever happens."
  • Disqualifying the positive - discounting the good things that have happened or that you have done for some reason or another
    • "That doesn't count."
  • Magnification (catastrophising) and minimization - blowing things out of proportion, or inappropriately shrinking something to make something less important
  • Critical words like "should", "must" or "ought" - can make us feel guilty or like we have already failed
    • Also, if we apply "shoulds" to other people the result is often frustration.
  • Personalization - placing blame
    • Blaming yourself, taking responsibility for something that wasn't completely your fault.
    • Conversely, blaming other people for something that was your fault.

Some notes

  • My psychiatrist has given me three copies of this poster at different times. Time to refer to it regularly.
  • My own inferences:
    • Identifying unhelpful thinking styles != passing moral judgment
    • I tend towards mental filter, disqualifying the positive and personalization.
    • There are lots of overlaps, so an instance of unhelpful thinking falls under multiple styles. (It doesn't mean its a lot worse, though.)
dec 21 2017 ∞
sep 22 2018 +