• J. Herbin Vert Empire (consistent and manageable ink, but rather dry for my taste)
  • J. Herbin Cacao du Brasil (a lot drier than the last one)
  • Montblanc Albert Einstein (a solid gray ink, rather pricey and only available in Montblanc boutiques themselves)
  • Noodler's Bad Blue Heron (highly water-resistant, and thus a pain to rinse out of pens)
  • Sailor Jentle Black (a manageable and adequately wet ink, but I haven't been able to find this lately. Perhaps it was replaced by Kiwaguro, which is a lot more expensive)
  • Sailor Jentle Okuyama (I like the flow as well as the color of this purplish maroon ink)
jun 7 2017 ∞
oct 26 2017 +