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Your most marked characteristic?

  • Compassion, both the emotional and physical manifestation (says my roommate Yi)

The quality you most like in a man?

  • Compassion. And sense of humor. (This was actually filled out by me before the above question.)

The quality you most like in a woman?

  • Class, real class (think Audrey Hepburn, not Marilyn Monroe)

What do you most value in your friends?

  • Dependability, and the ability to make me laugh forever

What is your principle defect?

  • I have many, one of which is my need to fight back.

What is your favorite occupation?

  • The ones that are completely selfless. No, that's impossible. The ones that really help others.

What is your dream of happiness?

  • Not feeling unfulfilled - isn't that basically the definition of happiness?

What to your mind would be the greatest of misfortunes?

  • Torture/watching loved ones suffer

What you would like to be?

  • Always in perfect health and also not legally blind...

In what country would you like to live?

  • Canada?

What is your favorite color?

  • Pink

What is your favorite flower?

  • I really don’t know, even though girls tend to know these things.

What is your favorite bird?

  • Swan, for sure

Who are your favorite prose writers?

  • Faulkner, Hemingway

Who are your favorite poets?

  • Dr. Seuss, The Shins

Who is your favorite hero of fiction?

  • Henry Drummond (Inherit the Wind)

Who are your favorite heroines of fiction?

  • Jig from "Hills Like White Elephants"

Who are your favorite composers?

  • Gabriel Faure, Jonathan Larson, John Williams, I do like Bach.

Who are your favorite painters?

  • Monet, Thomas Kinkade (a guilty pleasure?), some of my friends

Who are your heroes in real life?

  • My parents, Gandhi

What is it your most dislike?

  • Bigotry

Who are the historical figures you despise the most?

  • Mao Zedong

What natural gift would you most like to possess?

  • Too many, but I’ll just say - impeccable social skills

How would you like to die?

  • Happy

What is your present state of mind?

  • Guilty about not working

To what faults do you feel most indulgent?

  • Anality

What is your motto?

  • "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." - Gandhi, and “Happiness is your own decision.” - my mother
mar 16 2010 ∞
apr 20 2012 +