- 100gram - site / twitter / weibo / #100gram
- 3leg woolen monster - #woolen
- 4Baekhyun #4baekhyun
- 506walk - site / twitter / #506walk
- 61forbaek - weibo / #61
- all for baekhyun - site / weibo / #allforbaekhyun
- astro bits - site / twitter / #astrobits
- astrum - site / twitter / #astrum
- atlas - site / twitter / weibo / tag
- attractive - site / twitter / tag
- b forever 56 - weibo / #bforever56
- b my best! - site / twitter / #bmybest
- b oxygen - weibo / #oxygen
- b-loved - twitter / #bloved
- b’aureole’k -twitter / weibo / #baureolek
- b’spectra - site / twitter / weibo / #bspectra
- babedam - weibo / #babedam
- baby good night (+ xiumin) - site / twitter / #babygoodnight
- baby hyun - site / twitter / weibo / #babyhyun
- babyboo (+ luhan) - site / twitter / tag
- babylion - site / twitter / weibo / #babylion
- back to baek - site / twitter / #backtobaek
- baek hug - site / twitter / #baekhug
- baek to flame (+ chanyeol) - site / twitter / #baektoflame
- baek-point - site/ twitter / #baekpoint
- baekhyun sister - site / weibo / #baekhyunsister
- baekhyun stage - site / #baekhyunstage
- baekhyunhae - site / twitter / #baekhyunhae
- baekhyunim - site / weibo / #baekhyunim
- baekkk - weibo / #baekkk (3Ks!!!!!)
- baeklu forest - weibo / #baeklu forest
- baekstation - site / twitter / weibo / #baekstation
- baekyuna92 - twitter / #baekyuna92
- baidu baekhyun bar - #baekhyun bar
- bakery (+ kai) - site / twitter / #bakery
- banana - twitter / #banana
- bbaekying
- BBHeart-stealer - #sunlitb
- be be your love (+ chen) - site / twitter / #bebeyourlove
- be your secret (+ kai) - site / weibo / #beyoursecret
- beagles (+ chen, chanyeol) - site / twitter / #beagles
- behind u - site / twitter / #behindu
- bividly - twitter / #bividly
- blanc et noir (+ kai) - site / weibo / #blancetnoir
- bnbakhyn - site / #bnbaekhyn
- boys, almost do! (+ chen, cy) - site / twitter / #boysalmostdo
- boys, be ambitious - twitter / #boys be ambitious
- brilliant boys (+ d.o) - site / twitter / #brilliantboys
- brillianthyun - site / weibo / #brillianthyun
- byun100_0506 - site / #byun100
- byunseoli
- bzzang/exordia - #exordia
- candy crush - site / twitter / #candycrush
- catch up - site / twitter / #catchup ( x one take )
- chanbaek.txt (+ chanyeol) - site / weibo / #chanbaek.txt
- chanbaekpeers (+ chanyeol) - site / weibo / #cbpeers
- chandbaek (+ chanyeol, d.o.) - #chandbaek
- chubby yogurt (+ xiumin) - site / twitter / #chubbyyogurt
- chummylove
- cocopam - site / twitter / #cocopam
- code name x - twitter??? / #codename:x
- come baek to me - site / twitter / #comebaektome ( x lightroom )
- come on exo - twitter / #comeoneexo
- cosmic light - twitter / #cosmiclight
- cosmic sense - site / twitter / tag
- DanDan拔苗苗 - twitter / weibo ban tumblr
- darklight (+ kai) - site / twitter / #darklight
- dateline #dateline
- dazzler - site / twitter / #dazzler
- dazzling cream (+ chanyeol) - weibo / #dazzlingcream
- delight - site / twitter / #delight
- divine b - site / twitter / #divineb
- do light (+ d.o) - site / twitter / #dolight
- double baek - site / twitter / #doublebaek
- double beef (+ tao) - site / twitter / weibo / tag
- drawing dream (+ sehun) - site / twitter / #drawing
- drawlight - twitter / #drawlight
- drug store - site / twitter / #drugstore
- enamorada (+ chen) - site / twitter / #enamorada
- eternal light - twitter / tumblr / #eternal light
- exbaek - site / twitter / weibo / #exbaek
- exo-cheery - site / twitter / #cheery
- exost - site / weibo / #exost
- falling at 3x10^8 m/s (+ sehun) - site / twitter / #sebaekcom
- firelight (+ chanyeol) - weibo / #firelight
- five seasons (+ xiu, d.o, kai) - site / twitter / #fiveseasons
- flawless b - twitter / #flawlessb
- foxbaek - site / twitter / weibo / #foxbaek
- furaliss - site / twitter / #furaliss
- give me fever - site / twitter / #givemefever
- gleambh - site / twitter / #gleambh ( now pcmxx )
- gnocchiii - weibo / #gnocchiii
- go b heaven - site / twitter / #gobheaven
- go baek - site / twitter / #gobaek
- go to u - site / twitter / #gotou
- goblin (+ tao) - site / twitter / #goblin
- good better best - site / twitter / #goodbetterbest
- have an AFFECTION for B. - site / twitter / #affectionforb >> #ring of light
- heart of baek - site / twitter / weibo / #heartofbaek
- heart stealer - site / weibo / #heartstealer
- hello beta (+ kai) - site / twitter / #hellobeta
- herz exo - twitter / #herz:exo
- hide and seek - twitter / #hideandseek
- highlights - site / twitter / #highlights (♥)
- honey b - site / twitter / #honeyb
- ice blink - site / twitter / #iceblink
- immortal orion (+ chanyeol , d.o) - site / weibo / #immortal orion
- in a my light - site / twitter / #inamylight
- indeed - twitter / #indeed
- indulgent - site / weibo / tag
- indulgent - weibo / #indulgent
- julyoften
- kachen.net - site / twitter / #kachen
- kk_poker - #yvonne
- l’amour (+ sehun) - site / twitter / #lamour
- le petit prince - site / twitter / #le petit prince
- light holic - site / twitter / #lightholic
- light me - site / twitter / weibo / #lightme
- light saver - site / twitter / #lightsaver
- light, breeze (+ sehun) - site / twitter / #lightbreeze
- lilied - site / twitter / #lilied
- lion heart - site / twitter / #lionheart ( x mocha for b )
- listening baekhyun - site / weibo / tag
- lively b - site / twitter / #livelyb
- Li栗LiLizi - weibo / #zmoon
- lose your mind - site / twitter / #loseyourmind
- love appeal - site / twitter / #loveappeal
- love b like b / #loveblikeb
- love drunk (+ chanyeol) - site / twitter / weibo / #lovedrunk
- love fool (+ d.o) - site / twitter / weibo / #lovefool
- lovekorel
- lovesome - site / twitter / #lovesome
- lumiere - site / twitter / #lumiere
- luscious lovers (+ suho, luhan) - weibo / #luscious lovers
- magic potion (+ sehun) - site / twitter / weibo / #magic potion (x MR.9)
- maktoopb / twitter - #maktoop
- may b - site / twitter / #mayb
- may dew - site / twitter / #maydew
- may i be your mushroom - #mushroom
- may-b baby - site / twitter / #may b baby
- meteor
- meteorain (+ chanyeol) - site / twitter / #meteorain
- milkboy - site / twitter / weibo / #milkboy
- minor planet - site / twitter / weibo / #minorplanet
- moments1007 - site / #moments1007
- monello / #monello
- moneyhee weibo / #moneyhee
- moni suni - site / twitter / #moni
- mr.baek - twitter / weibo / #mr.baek
- mr.mini (+ d.o) - site / twitter / #mr.mini
- muleumpyo - site / twitter / #muleumpyo
- my baby u (+ kai) - site / twitter / tag
- my sunshine - site / twitter / #mysunshine ( x yellow chick )
- neige lueur (+ luhan) - twitter / site / #neige lueur
- no money (lol ok) - weibo / #nomoney
- noviewistrue #noviewistrue
- one day in may - site / twitter / #onedayinmay
- overflow - site / twitter / #overflow
- oxygenchanbaek (+ chanyeol) - weibo / #oxygenchanbaek
- perfect gold (+ chanyeol) - site / twitter / #perfectgold
- perfect rhythm (+ d.o) - site / twitter / tag
- peter pan - site / weibo / #peterpan
- pitchperfect (+ chanyeol) - weibo / #pitchperfect
- planet k (OT12) - weibo / #planetk
- point b - site / twitter / #pointb
- polarlight - site / twitter / weibo / #polarlight (♥)
- prelude - twitter / #prelude TUMBLR NEIN
- puppystore (+ chanyeol) - site / twitter / weibo / #puppystore
- pure baekhyun - site / weibo / tag
- qorgus - site / twitter / weibo / #qorgus
- rapture_exo - #rapture
- sacheuo (+ kris, chanyeol) - site / weibo / #sacheuo
- saimo - weibo / #saimo
- salvatore eleven (+ chanyeol) - weibo / #salvatore eleven
- secret box (+ chanyeol) - site / twitter / #secretbox
- secret code (+ chanyeol) - site / weibo / #secretcode
- see the light - site / twitter / weibo / #seethelight
- sense&sensibility - #sense
- sexybaek - #sexybaek (NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH SEXYBAEK100)
- sexybaek100 - site / twitter / #sexybaek100
- sguabaek - weibo / #sguabaek
- shaking heart - site / twitter / weibo / #shakingheart (x baekhyuna)
- shortomoo - twitter / site / #shortmoo
- soulmate light - weibo / #soulmate
- soulmate light - weibo / #soulmate
- sunshine boy - site / twitter / #sunshineboy
- super b - site / twitter / tag
- supernova - site / twitter / #supernova
- sweet heart - site / twitter / #sweetheart
- take off my suit (+ chanyeol) - site / twitter / #takeoffmysuit
- take’n’tick - takentick
- TBaek_rPP - weibo / #tbaek
- the prince (+ sehun) - twitter / #theprince
- theodore - site / twitter / weibo / #theodore
- time baek - site / twitter / #timebaek
- to baekhyun - site / #tobaekhyun
- to baekhyun - site / twitter / tag
- tobaek0506_mila - weibo / #mila
- tomorrow - site / twitter / #tomorrow
- tong - weibo / #tong
- twinke030fishhh / -fishhh- / #fishhh
- twosides (+ lay) - site / #two sides
- ultraviolet - site / twitter / #ultravioloet
- vanilla twilight - site / twitter / #vanillatwilight
- venus (+ lay,kai, luhan) - weibo / #4venus
- vistos boy - site / twitter / tag
- waffles club - twiter / #waffles club
- whisper to baek - site / weibo / #whisper
- white and cute (+ suho) - site / twitter / tag
- white horse - site / twitter / #whitehourse
- white night - site / #whitenight
- white2do (+ d.o) - site / twitter / weibo / #white2do
- xbcd - twitter / #xbcd
- xiumingky - site / twitter / #xiumingky
- you make my life colorful (colorful_kr) - twitter / #colorful
- yukisama - site / twitter / tag (tumblr ban)
- 너를 닮은 눈부심이 내린다 (baek56) - site / twitter / #baek56
- 卖火柴的边伯贤 - #matchedges (the one with rainbow in logo)
- 卞juju - #juju
- 卞小妍xoxo / s1uy1nu - #siuyin
- 大家都来喝啤酒 - #beer
- 姚姚怒那的萌白白 - weibo/ #yaoyao
- 梦梦猪猪 (nokangnome) - weibo / #nokangnome
- 琳培根limbacon - weibo / #limbacon
- 菜白白 caibaibai (+ chanyeol) - twitter/ weibo / #caibaibai
- 蓝色豆腐锅 / blue tofu - weibo / #doufukoko
(some of them might renamed themselves)
- Give me fever http://givemefever.net || Twitter #weibo/#youtube
- A grown up boy
- Heaven0506
- baekhyun109
- Baekhyun Stage
- Baeklash - / #youtube
- Baby & Soul (+ Kai)/ #http://www.01140506.com/
- LightB - / #http://light-b.com/#twitter
- Out of Orbit (+Lay &Chanyeol)- #http://exorbit.tistory.com/ / #twitter
- Sense&Sensibility - #youtube
- SexyBaekhyun - #http://www.sexybaekhyun.com/
- StarryNight Exo (+ Suho, Sehun, Chanyeol, Lay, Luhan)#twitter
- WhiteVodka
- http://goodguyexo.tistory.com/