so i was surfing through the listography website....i was bored so i was clicking the someone new button to see who else had been listing out their life...i came upon this girl who made a list of things she didnt like. i decided to read it...she stated that she didn't like pizza that was in the shape of a just "didn't taste the same as triangle pizza and she didn't care what anyone else thought." this girl...i thought...must be crazy. here are some suggestions i have for her:

  • shut up
  • get a life
  • quit complaining
  • if you have such a problem with it being square then cut the pizza from corner to you do to cut a sandwich...then the pizza will be triangle and the world will be right again!
  • try marco's square deal's amazing, no lie.
feb 27 2009 ∞
feb 27 2009 +