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"Do you have doubts about life? Are you unsure if it is worth the trouble? Look at the sky: that is for you. Look at each person's face as you pass on the street: those faces are for you. And the street itself, and the ground under the street, and the ball of fire underneath the ground: all these things are for you. They are as much for you as they are for other people. Remember this when you wa...

listography GIVE MEMORIES
clare home and garden
fashion (inspriations)
inspiration (the beauty list)
events (through the year)
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  • fix the roof
  • drywall- computer room, upstairs hallway, stairway, downstairs hallway
  • paint- computer room, upstairs hallway, downstairs hallway
  • finish drywall/painting around closet in bedroom
  • tile downstairs hallway
  • buy flooring for bedroom
  • light fixture for bedroom + light switch covers
  • carpet for living room
  • curtains/blinds for- both bedrooms, computer room, dining room, living room (maybe), kitchen
  • finish trim in kitchen/dining room
  • fix/paint ceiling in dining room
  • bench seat in dining room
  • need screens for windows in dining room/computer room
  • 2 more towel hooks in bathroom
  • tv stand
  • bookshelves
  • computer desk
  • kitchen table
  • couch
  • reading chair
  • fence for the backyard
jul 8 2011 ∞
jul 8 2011 +