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bnm boys, who debuted with different names of wanna one and mxm, although their bodies are separated, their hearts are supporting each other.

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to my love, my dearest, my heart and soul, my sun, moon and stars.

I remember the first moment I saw you, like it was yesterday.. I could never imagine that guy with incredible bright smile and those cute big eyes with little stars in it would ever shake my world like this, the one who gave me happiness, joy and the most incredible and pure feeling.

When I first saw you, I thought “Who’s this baby? He’s amazing, I can surely fall in love with him.”, as time passes I started felting goosebumps, butterflies in my stomach, my heart fluttering and racing like I’ve never felt before, so on that day I realized that I’ve fallen for you.

From that day on, I cheered on you, even on your hard and sad days, If you were sad, I was sad too, If you were happy, I was happy for you too... Ever since I met you, there wasn’t a single day that I could stop wishing you a good day, a good healthy, a good luck and all the good things that you surely deserve.. I keep supporting you for so many days and I feel like I could do this for years, decades and even centuries, until you become an old grandfather who can barely sing anymore.

You came like an angel, a miracle that turned my life better, like a beautiful light blue sky with many fluffy white clouds and on top the bright yellow sun after the darkest thunderstorm.

Even if dark days come again, the knowing of the existence of that guy with amazing personality, who’s beautiful inside as much as his outside lights up my whole existence, brightens up my day and warms my tiny little heart who only sees him, making me happy every single day.

Your personality always amazes me, you’re always so hardworking, you never fail when it comes to take care and leading people. When you accomplish something, my heart flutters in pride. I love seeing you truly happy singing on stage, interacting with fans that loves you, working on songs, doing what you love the most, what you dreamed and worked hard to get.

I wish I could express how grateful I am for you, the one who filled my blank and boring life with colors and so many wonderful feelings hoping that you feel loved the same way you made me. You deserve all good things in the world and I wish I could give you that, all the shine of thousand spotlights, all the bright stars in the night sky, towers of gold and all this are still too little, my hands could hold the world for you and it would never be enough to express my gratitude and feelings. You’re the most precious treasure that I’ve ever found without even look out for it. I found you by pure serendipity.

You became my world, I can’t exist in a world without you.

In such a short period you became part of me, my heart chosen you, it’s like you rewrote the stars to my heart became yours, it’ll ever choose you, even after years passed it’ll always be you.

My eternity, 임영민.

feb 5 2018 ∞
feb 7 2018 +