• cleaning
  • cooking
  • doing laundry
  • doing dishes
  • dirty dishes left in the sink
  • noisy neighbors
  • people who cut in line
  • people who talk all the time and never ever shut the fuck up
  • know-it-alls
  • small talk
  • smoking/smokers
  • someone cracking their knuckles
  • drunk people (the louder the more annoying of course)
  • my roomie liking bacon (it smells awful in here when she cooks it!)
  • people who stand too close and don't respect my personal space
  • people who talk during a movie
  • church
  • people who try to force their religion on others
  • people who don't believe in evolution
  • being underestimated
  • wearing heels
  • telemarketers
  • people that block the aisled in markets while talking
  • people that borrow my stuff and don't return it
  • blatant disrespect
  • forgetting what I was going to say
  • temporarily forgetting words in finnish and then having to try and explain what i'm talking about in a jumbled mess of finnish and english
  • screaming kids
  • and people who let their kids scream and run around in stores and restaurants etc.
  • people who tell you to be honest about something and get offended/upset when you give them your honest opinion
  • too cold weather
  • too hot weather
  • child beauty pageants
  • hell, all beauty pageants
  • people who refer to themselves in the third person
  • people who ignore traffic laws
  • or don't use seat pelts (seriously! how fucking hard is it to use?)
  • politics
  • and especially politicians
  • religious extremist
  • having my picture taken
  • people who write "your" when they mean "you're", "their" when they mean "they're" or "to" when they mean "too" or "two" or vice versa, they're not the same thing you know!
  • the banks and post offices and other places like that where you have to wait in line with mothers with screaming children and super slow old people who just talk and talk and ignore the fact there's a long line behind them
  • clingy people
  • drama queens
  • (bad) liars
  • people who are constantly apologizing
  • having a gazillion passwords for a gazillion things
  • and trying to remember them all
  • people who wear sunglasses indoors
  • my foot falling asleep
  • screaming and/or overly-giggly pre-pubescent and/or teenage girls
  • and generally all kids and teenagers
  • well, actually most people...
  • guys who whistle/honk/cat-call/ogle/etc. at women
  • female bodybuilders
  • and male too actually
  • hearing a recording of my own voice
  • or seeing myself on tape
  • how in english the name of a century doesn't correspond with the actual year's number
  • waiting rooms
  • men who are "pro-life"
  • people who complain all the time
  • teachers who force you to participate
  • people who use dogs as fashion accessories and dress them up
  • people who don't control their dogs
  • people who don't understand that not everyone likes dogs
  • people who let their dog jump all over you while saying "oh, he would never hurt anyone! he's the sweetest dog in the world" (have you ever heard of allergies? or dirt, for that matter?)
  • internet drama
  • bad graffiti
  • people who stick their chewed gum under the table
  • people who ask you for advice and then argue with you when you tell them what you think
  • people who interrupt all the time
  • people who ride their bicycle on busy street even though there is a perfectly good sidewalk right next to it
  • when cashiers but your change on top of your bills
nov 8 2009 ∞
jun 13 2010 +