• joey comeau & emily horne: a softer world: second best isn't so bad (re-read)
  • michael argyle: bodily communication
  • esa saarinen: länsimaisen filosofian historia huipulta huipulle, sokrateesta marxiin
  • pentti määttänen: filosofia: johdatus peruskysymyksiin
  • charlotte brontë: jane eyre
  • james joyce: a portrait of the artist a young man
  • thomas pyles: the origins and development of the english language
  • tennessee williams: a streetcar named desire
  • andy riley: diy dentistry and other alarming inventions
  • chuck palahniuk: lullaby
  • gyllig & mäkelä & tontti: filosofinen oikeus 1
  • will kymlicka: comtemporary political philosophy: an introduction
  • mark tebbit: philosophy of law: an introduction
  • mikko wennberg: oikeusfilosofia: johdatus oikeusteoriaan ja oikeusteoreettiseen ajatteluun
  • john christman: social and political philosophy: a contemporary introduction
  • matti häyry: ihannevaltio: historiallinen johdatus yhteiskuntafilosofiaan
  • alisdair macintyre: a short history of ethics: a history of moral philosophy from the homeric age to the twentieth century
  • david mcnaughton: moral vision: an introduction to ethics
  • richard norman: the moral philosophers: an introduction to ethics
  • james rachels & stuart rachels: the elements of moral philosophy
  • juhani pietarinen: etiikan teorioita
  • simon blackburn: being good: a short introduction to ethics
  • gunnar skirbekk: a history of western thought: from ancient greek to the twentieth century
  • james thompson: snow angels
  • michael j. loux: metaphysics: a contempory introduction
  • riku juti: johdatus metafysiikkaan
  • jostein gripsrud: understanding media culture
  • mona baker: in other words: a coursebook on translation
  • sir arthur conan doyle: the hound of the baskervilles
may 18 2011 ∞
jun 19 2013 +